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BeautyTalk Giveaway Today!

MCJW Gratis Image.jpg

Happy Monday BTers!

In honor of their brand launch at Sephora, Madam C.J. Walker is giving away 10 bundles of product for curly to coily hair types! For your chance to win, simply answer the following question in the comments below. Be sure to include the hashtag #MadamCJWalkerGiveaway so your entry is valid!

We want to know: Why do you need these Madam C.J. Walker products for the curls in your life?

Post your answers by midnight tonight and 10 winners will be chosen randomly by Wednesday, March 9th. Good luck BeautyTalkers!


See full giveaway rules here:

Re: BeautyTalk Giveaway Today!



I do have thick, curly hair and have lived in a 4-season environment to a very dry one-season one with very hard water..curls need all the help they can get. Madam CJ looks like an interesting line.

Re: BeautyTalk Giveaway Today!

I think it would be useful to have right in the body of this post that this is available to US residents only.


Just a heads up for my fellow Canadians.

Re: BeautyTalk Giveaway Today!


I've always considered myself cursed to have curly hair. Living in a state that has extreme seasons doesn't make loving the curls any easier. For as far back as I can remember I've been trying to uncurl the curl just because nothing ever works to make them look like they should. I'd love to find a product that can make my curls actually be a thing of beauty rather than something straight out of horror movie. 

Re: BeautyTalk Giveaway Today!

Hmmm, OK. Well, I really only discovered recently that I have curly hair! True! Up until about a year and half ago, I had always thought that my hair had only a bit of wave, so I'd been blowdrying for years. After getting tired of my blowouts frizzing up in the humidity, I decided to go the curly route. But I have to admit that I'm still learning about how to work with the curls. While I currently use a line of products that work for me, I'm always on the lookout for things that may be better. Are the Madam C.J. Walker products going to change my life? You probably should send them my way... just to be sure. 😉



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  • MCJW Gratis Image.jpg