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Cystic/papule Acne send help

Any recommendations for cystic/papule acne? I just can’t seem to find something that works

Re: Cystic/papule Acne send help

Hi,  I had the same issue most of my life.  I came to a point where I had huge cysts that would break and bleed at age 30. Acne Specialists of Oakland cleared me remotely and I've been acne free with minor pimples that heal quickly if I've accidentally come into contact with any pore cloggers for the last 6 years.  


They will set you up with a protocol to follow to get clear, and provide you with acne safe hair product and makeup lists.  I would have NEVER gotten clear without the knowledge they've provided me.  I would say 98% of products out there have pore cloggers in it, especially a lot that are marketed for acne.  


Hope this helps! 🙏 

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