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Fab and chic mommy routine!!

Well with the new groups I thought it'd be fun to start a thread about our mommy beauty routines. What's your beauty routine? What hacks have you figured out to save time? Has your beauty habits changed with motherhood and as you children grow?


My beauty routine changes from day to day. Since its summer and the kids are home I have a little more time. However, since its hot I am barely wearing anything most days.

My kid proof, sweat proof hack for the week is: only conceal and no foundation; becca' blurring powder to set; blush, highlighter, light bronzer; mascara and lipstick. Some days I'll add a little eyeshadow to the mix if I'm in the mood.

My routine changes as my responsibilities at home and work fluctuate, plus as my kids get older. My youngest is 2 and is chill enough to hang out with me while I get ready. My oldest is 9 and she doesn't bother me when I'm doing my beauty routine, maybe more questions so she can ask to wear it later lol (🙅🏽 Nope. Not yet lady!!). If I have work then I do more to look nice. If we're going out as a family, I experiment with different looks...some fail lol.

Re: Fab and chic mommy routine!!

I think I've been lucky and have fairly mellow babies, I have 2 boys 2 and 4.  My routine hasn't changed too much.  I just wake up a little earlier to get ready for work to have time to do my makeup then get the kids ready for daycare.  On the weekends I don't really wear makeup, but if I somewhere to go I again start the process a little earlier or make sure Netflix is on to keep the little ones entertained. 

RE: Fab and chic mommy routine!!

Love this thread😍 I have two boys. A 1 yr old and a 4month old. My makeup routine changes all the time since having babies. I only do my 'full glam' for special occasions when before full glam was everyday lol. If I want to wear ANY makeup I need to make sure I'm up before the boys😊

Re: Fab and chic mommy routine!!

Where to start...i'm mommy to an almost one year old (next month) so I have to play games with the little guy while I do my makeup.  He has his own powder brush that I fluff him in the face with while I'm applying.  It makes him giggle and keeps him entertained long enough for me to get in little spurts of application.  Most days I've been wearing a bb cream (cause it's forgiving if I don't get it on there evenly), a bit of blush on both my cheeks and lids to brighten my complexion (cause eyeshadow takes time I don't have) and a lightly pigmented lip gloss or balm (again because they're forgiving) sometimes I even have time for mascara but that's usually while he's down for his nap:). 

Re: Fab and chic mommy routine!!

Lol @heartsmyface I do the same thing with my 2 year old. She likes to watch me get ready, so I gave her own powder brush I got from ipsy to play with. 

Re: Fab and chic mommy routine!!

looking forward to reading through these for some tips!  while i already have my son - he's 13, almost 14 and for the most part self sufficient... you know that point where i can sleep in and take my time getting ready because he gets himself ready.  so of course its time to spice things up with a newborn!  baby #2 is coming in September and i'm looking for all the tips i can get! especially to practice while i'm on mat leave so going back isn't completely painful! 

Re: Fab and chic mommy routine!!

@sparklekai Girl what? You are having a baby?!?! Congratulations! I just had a gap baby myself. I make my DH take care of the baby while I get ready and then I give him about 10 minutes to shower and get dressed lol. But when I was on maternity leave I just had to try to do my face during baby's first nap. One great piece of advice I received was don't schedule anything for early mornings b/c you will be running late with the baby involved. Very helpful.


During pregnancy I felt awful so I had to really cut back just to get out the door at a decent time. The first thing I dropped was eye shadow and winged liner. Next I dropped lips. I mainly did complexion, brows, and mascara. Yesterday I didn't even do my brows. For the office I've been rocking NARS Matte Tint and NARS concealer. I tightline and apply mascara. Then I do my brows with ABH Brow Wiz. I only use one color and don't worry about getting the perfect tail. Dior Lip Glow acts as a balm and gives me a bit of color. I throw on whatever blush and highlighter I feel like. Last week it was a lot of MAC Shape the Future b/c both products are in the same compact.

Re: Fab and chic mommy routine!!

@sparklekai First of all, why is there no reply button on your post? I can only reply to myself. Ugh!


Well, my DD is quite a bit older than your DS. My baby girl is 24! She graduated from college and I got pregnant. She is many states away so she was fine with it. Didn't really affect her day-to-day life. However, just last week she was able to meet her little brother for the first time and she fell in love. They bonded right away. It was like he knew it was his sister. She got sad about living so far away and him not knowing her as he grew up. She wants us to move closer to her.

Poking around on babycenter and personal experiences it seems like much older siblings (even boys) tend to fall in love with the baby. They're old enough not to be jealous and understand a baby needs a lot of care and attention. Babies seem to smile and laugh especially for their siblings. That will melt his heart and he will probably be more nurturing than you'd expect. Good luck!

Re: Fab and chic mommy routine!!

@talinder got one all independent and sleeping in and ready for highschool...sounds like the perfect time for another 😮   how did you find your oldest reacted to the new baby?  


i've been playing around with makeup more during my pregnancy - luckily while i've had just about every complication you can image i haven't been that sick!  i've discovered being pregnant has made me way more picky and i've been rotating through things either to use them up or decide if i want to keep them or declutter them.  the amount of things that i'm decluttering is INSANE!!!  the whole process has made me pickier for sure!

Re: Fab and chic mommy routine!!

I'm a relatively new mom (baby girl will be 1 in September), and I have very little time for makeup. I try to keep it simple and quick, nothing fancy at this point. I moved upstairs with her and all of my makeup is in the downstairs bathroom so I often don't have the time to go searching for different palettes and things. Once we move in a couple weeks, I will hopefully have a bit more space and freedom to play with makeup again!

Re: Fab and chic mommy routine!!

@vchotia Ha, it's a challenge in itself keeping the makeup safe from curious paws while still having easy access to it ourselves.  

Re: Fab and chic mommy routine!!

Lol! Exactly! I told my husband that I will probably need to keep my favorites under lock and key in the future.

Re: Fab and chic mommy routine!!

vchotia wrote:

I'm a relatively new mom (baby girl will be 1 in September), and I have very little time for makeup. I try to keep it simple and quick, nothing fancy at this point. I moved upstairs with her and all of my makeup is in the downstairs bathroom so I often don't have the time to go searching for different palettes and things. Once we move in a couple weeks, I will hopefully have a bit more space and freedom to play with makeup again!

It does get easier! When I had my first I wasn't into makeup at all, but my hair was my main concern. I remember getting so frustrated with keeping up with my hair. But as they get older you get more time to yourself overall. Good luck on the move!!

Re: Fab and chic mommy routine!!

Thanks 🙂 Glad to hear there is light at the end of the tunnel, lol! Right now I am also dealing with hair regrowth and there are funny baby hairs growing up and out so I can't even figure out how to deal with hairstyles either!

Re: Fab and chic mommy routine!!

As my kids got older, I was able to add more (and fun) items to my routine.

I've always been a "5 products only" minimalist (concealer, foundation, eye pigment, eyeliner, mascara) and lately I've been able to rock a total of SEVEN products-- the above plus brow and highlighter or blush. The best products are the ones that do double duty like Hourglass palette that can either eye, cheek, or highlight

Re: Fab and chic mommy routine!!

MissionIsta wrote:

As my kids got older, I was able to add more (and fun) items to my routine.

I've always been a "5 products only" minimalist (concealer, foundation, eye pigment, eyeliner, mascara) and lately I've been able to rock a total of SEVEN products-- the above plus brow and highlighter or blush. The best products are

the ones that do double duty like Hourglass palette that can either eye, cheek, or highlight

This is me right now with the summer and all these little people running around lol. Going out with them leaves me less time to get cute so minimal product is the key. Skipping foundation has saved me a lot of time too.

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