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Post in Makeup Is Life

why is my setting spray not working?!

i’ve tried brands such as charlotte tilbury flawless filter, one/size on til dawn, and urban decay all nighter original but my makeup still tends to fade and get oily by the end of the day. i don’t know if it’s user error or my products don’t align well with each other, but these setting sprays do not do it for me i’m trying to find a long lasting, oil-free, matte finish, transfer proof, waterproof setting spray. please help and send recommendations!

Re: why is my setting spray not working?!

@tamwyu  If you have oily skin, try using setting spray before applying any makeup (including primer); sandwich it between your sunscreen and makeup. Some setting sprays can help keep oil at bay. After makeup, you can use setting spray a second time. I haven’t tried that method myself because I have mostly-dry combo skin, but an oily skinned friend of mine swears by it. She says it’s the only way any brand’s setting spray works for her. 


You could also powder-set your makeup: use a translucent setting powder and press it (don’t just dust or lightly tap it) into your skin over your makeup. 


And assuming your skin’s naturally oily, you can try tweaking your skincare routine a bit to control overproduction of oil. I don’t wanna recommend anything there without knowing what you already use in your routine—though I will say niacinamide helps some folks a lot. 

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