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Post in Makeup Is Life

The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

By this point most of us have watched an anti-haul video (or a hundred) but I don't see a current anti-haul thread on the BIC and I think it could be fun to start a running "anti-consumerism" thread for a bit of a change. For those that aren't familiar with the term an anti-haul is listing off things you are NOT going to be adding to your cart for whatever reason that may be. Rather it's because you simply don't like the look of that new palette release or if you've been eyeing something for a while and are itching to buy it but you really know that you don't need it (or that you really shouldn't be buying it). I'm starting a no buy this month and I know many people are on a low/no buy so why not have some fun with our budgeting by dragging some products, helping talk ourselves out of the new product releases or old cult classic favorites that you "just had to try" by raving why we are not going to buy it! This is also the spot to voice why you simply aren't inspired by a product even if everyone else is rushing to add it to their cart. So, don't beat around the bush and share your anti-haul products 🙂



Some Ground "Rules":

  1. This is the place to be open and honest, don't tip-toe around the point because you think you might hurt some peoples feelings that enjoy a certain product. If you have strong opinions, let them out! (Example: The packaging is hideous and the product is overhyped!)
  2. Tell us why you are not interested in the product get as specific (or not) as you'd like but please do let us know why you aren't going to buy it. You may be helping someone else be talked out of a product as well 🙂 (Example: I already own 25 other lipsticks in a strikingly similar shade of mauve)
  3. If someone is anti-hauling and dragging a product you like, do not get offended. How boring would the world be if we all wanted/liked/bought the exact same things? Not everyone has the same taste, what is ugly to someone is gorgeous to someone else.
  4. Products are inanimate objects, please do not argue over disagreeing about products. The products feelings will not be hurt if it is anti-hauled or dragged by another BIC-er online and I'm sure plenty of people will go buy it. Not every product is for everyone, if you want to purchase a product go ahead and don't let anyone here stop you. Let's not argue about something as trivial as disagreements about makeup packaging, perfume scents or eyeshadow colors. It isn't worth it and we are all better than that. 
  5. Use this place as your soap box outlet and have lots of fun doing it! 🙂


Additional anti-consumerism support and threads:



Monthly Misses: January 2022 

Monthly Misses: December 2021 





Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

I'm going to skip MAKEUP BY MARIO Ethereal Eyes Eyeshadow Palette: Moonlight after seeing it in person.   I don't have much use for the mattes as I don't prefer them, and also because I'm not good with them.  The texture was very nice, tho.  The shimmers were too sparkly rather than glimmering, if that makes any sense.   The bronze read too orange on me, and the other two I tried looked muddy.  I found the sparkle to read green and yellow, with the highlight especially so.  I'd consider using a low cost dupe for the sparkle shades and layering it over my old UD mini Naked palettes, if anyone knows of one; but I'd do it rarely.  Let me say that I'm no expert on applying eye shadow (I wish more than anything I was!); so, I think many would probably enjoy this palette.   I like the idea of it very much.  Also, I find the cost to be high.  I posted earlier that I remember when palettes were $49.  I'd like to see ABH/Mario re-release their collaboration.  Somehow I missed it, but the online pics looked good.  I'm curious what others have to say about this palette. 

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

@QueenMarceline I'm skipping NATASHA DENONA I Need a Warm Eyeshadow Palette because it truly is warm, and I prefer cools.

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

@greeneyedgirl107 I thought she was going to release a " I need a cool " for the holidays but it's purple instead. I'm deciding on it still.

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

I’m trying to talk myself out of the Danessa Myricks Beauty Lightwork V: I Am Palette For Eyes And Face . It’s stunning, but I’ve spent a lot already this year on indie singles that might dupe it as well as the newest Isamaya Beauty palette, which also has a ton of iridescent shades. The FOMO of knowing these are always LE is pushing me to get it, but I know I don’t need it.

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

@makeitup305 The FOMO can be strong especially with such a gorgeous palette. I used to find myself so drawn to LE palettes in particular (seriously, it's like I wanted to collect them all... as if that's doable haha!). Maybe it's just me but I always find it almost "relieving" once it's no longer available since it's not there tempting me and I realize that in reality, I don't miss skipping it all that much. Stay strong! ❤️

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

@QueenMarceline yes, I agree. Sometimes when it's OOS I'm like "ok, I can't get it now, oh well". I have a huge indie and multichrome shadow collection so I promised myself the only way I'm getting this is through a Rouge reward or something like that. 

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

@makeitup305 Ooh, that's a great idea! I love "cheat shopping" through Rough Rewards or gift cards 🤣

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

@QueenMarceline girl math!

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

@makeitup305 The best kind of math there is.

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

@makeitup305 I understand how you feel about this palette. It is stunning and LE is hard to resist.

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

@Mellmars1185 I swatched it in store today and it was really tempting. If they'd had it to purchase, I might have. I'm still thinking about cashing in a Rouge Reward to get it. Are you picking it up?

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

@makeitup305 Oh i bet those swatches were beautiful in person. I think if the Natasha Denona I Need A Nude palette becomes available I will get that instead (that was my plan anyway). Did you find the shades leaned warm or cool?

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

@Mellmars1185 for the I Need a Nude?

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

@makeitup305 For the Makeup by Mario

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

@Mellmars1185 I would say it's pretty neutral on me (and almost identical to the ND INAD tbh). I heard people with cool undertones felt it pulled warm on them. I'll happily post pictures for you tomorrow if you want. I can put it side by side with the ND if that helps.

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

@makeitup305 Sure - thank you! If you have time that would be wonderful.

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

@Mellmars1185 do you want me to compare it to anything else? The ND is by far the closest in terms of depth and tone

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

@makeitup305 I don't have any other requests. Those two palettes were the ones I was debating on. But feel free to add any you would like ☺️

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

MAKEUP BY MARIO Ethereal Eyes Eyeshadow Palette I took a closer look in-store today and don't need it!  Yay.   Sometimes I get excited about one less thing to buy.

Re: The Offical Anti-Haul Thread

@greeneyedgirl107 I feel your pain, I am ALWAYS drawn to gorgeous brown-neutral palettes but I have oh so many of them and my eyeshadow use has gone down drastically compared to a few years back. I have to talk myself out of nearly every palette for that reason alone.

14 Replies
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