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Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

Hi All! 


We are long overdue for an updated Subscription Sharing thread!  Whether it's BoxyCharm, Ipsy, or PopSugar we want to hear (and see) all about what you are subscribed to.





Interested in trading with other users?  Here are some things you need to know from @SydBristow and her trade threads:



IMPORTANT NOTE: To comply with Sephora's terms of use, items cannot be listed "for sale" or even for trade for Sephora or other gift cards. Please do not list "prices" either (which implies selling), but you can list approximate trade value.

Because a number of fake items have been sent in trades, it is strongly advised you provide photos of your higher-end items, including the labeling (you may be asked for it anyway) and list WHERE you purchased the item from. Fakes are readily available from less reputable sellers and can contain toxins! It is important to everyone to know where their cosmetics come from.

Please also be aware that some makeup products cannot be sanitized - please use caution in your trades. When in doubt, ask the community, it's a great resource! Used items you may wish to avoid are mascara, liquid eyeliner, lip glosses, and cream products.

Acquiring Items
Please use discretion with whom you enter into trades with. There is a summarized list of trusted traders here: Protect yourself in your trades, ask questions (such as where an item was purchased), ask for additional photos (to show level of usage and/or labeling to prove authenticity).
If you don’t feel 100% comfortable doing a trade because someone is new, you can request they send their items first.

Please use the private message system on Beauty Talk and/or tag the user you are trying to get in touch with. Communication is key! You can tell a lot about a trade by how the communication goes. If you will be unavailable for any periods of time, please be up front, and if there are any issues with shipping please be up front about that as well.

Having tracking and insurance on shipments goes a long way to figuring out where an item might be. The USPS puts anticipated delivery dates and tracking numbers right on the receipt. If there is any issue with an item you have sent out, please follow up with the carrier.

Consider providing your feedback on successful trades on this thread here:


**the previous thread can be found here: Subscription box photo sharing

Re: RE: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

Absolutely love Facetory @PenelopeBT.  I am embarrassed to say how many sheet masks I currently have in my arsenal.  I try to use a sheet mask a day, but it would still take me several months to use up my stock!  Because of Facetory and Mask Maven, I have stopped buying sheet masks!  I can’t keep up with them, but I love What daily masking has done for my skin!!

Re: RE: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

I got the same Play box and I can honestly say this is the best one yet! @KrishAtl

Re: RE: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

Totally agree @Tamara76.  I’m so happy with everything in this box!

@KrishAtl you got great items!! enjoy 😍

@KrishAtl you got great items!! enjoy 😍

Re: RE: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

Wow!! That Play box is pretty impressive this month, enjoy @KrishAtl

Re: RE: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

So happy with my Play box @ElleElleG.  I actually avoided trying to figure out what my specific spoiler was on MSA cause I wanted to be surprised.  Love that I got sSunday  Riley and a PTR Mask!!  Great box just based on those 2 items!

RE: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

September LipMonthly is here. As usual I am pleasantly surprised by this sub box! When I started subscribing it was a total knee-jerk/fell for the marketing/impulse buy. I was worried that I wouldn’t be happy. Month after month I love this sub box! It has definitely exceeded my expectations. This month is no less. Love the products and the colors. The Appeal Cosmetics lipstick shade is out of my comfort zone, but a very wearable color that looks great on my skin tone. I’m excited for some fall nights out and holiday parties with this one! The lip pencil (top swatch and Hikari crayon (middle swatch) are perfect everyday colors that I probably would not have bought because they are brownish pinks and “boring” but sooooo useful!

Re: RE: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

@KrishAtl  Thanks for posting this! I actually almost subscribed for LipMonthly a couple times, but resisted also bc I wasn't sure I'd love it. But it's good to hear you're liking it. Those are a great mix of neutrals and brights!

Re: RE: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

I have been pleasantly surprised month after month @Guessgal.  I started my subscription in June and have been very happy with the last couple of months boxes.

Re: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

Is anyone going to BC(Boxycharm) in session NY? 

I'm so excited you get to go @mezzotown88! They look like...

I'm so excited you get to go @mezzotown88! They look like a lot of fun based on the IG stories. If they have one closer to me, I'll definitely go! Please let us know how it is! Have fun!

Re: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

No - I wanted to go to the one in Houston, but couldn't make it and I am super sad.  Please let us know if you go and share pics, @mezzotown88!  I really hope they do it again next year! ❤️

Re: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

@Tamara76 I bought the tickets for the session in N.Y the other day. Since I don't have anything on that day and I live 30-40 mins away so I decided to go! ( and the week before bc session I''ll be going to Gen beauty by Ipsy! I went last year and I'm super excited to go again this year)

I'll make sure to take pictures and share with you guys!

Hopefully you'll get to attend the session for next year if they do it again!

Re: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

Can't wait to hear about it, @mezzotown88!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 

Re: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

Hadn't heard of it! Good to see you @mezzotown88

Re: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

@ElleElleG  Good to see you too!! 

Re: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

@mezzotown88  What is this?  Is it an event?

Re: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

@darkiceis It’s like a makeup class... I’m just curious if anyone from BIC is going or not.

Re: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

@mezzotown88 Oh ok, thanks!

Re: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

Apparently Sunday Riley is coming out with their own subscription box (via mysubaddiction). It's $95 quarterly.  I honestly think the contents look really interesting but no way for the price tag. What do you guys think?



RE: Re: Subscription Central (Spoilers, Unboxings, and More)

Honestly @Kim888, I don’t feel at all compelled towards it. Seems like all of the sub boxes are starting to send Sunday Riley products and since I get a bunch of different subs, I seem to be acquiring quite a nice collection of Sunday Riley, which I am thrilled about. Plus the non-SR items/lifestyle items in the SR box do not interest me at all and I feel like they are hiking up the price of the box by being in there. Just as soon see them removed and the price of the box lowered accordingly, then I might look into it a little more...
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