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Jumpin' January Hauls

Hi All-

January is my birthday month, so I'm getting started a bit early since I can't get to my computer as easily as usual. I'm so looking forward to seeing your January hauls, it's such a cheery way to banish the winter blahs. Bring on the fun!

Re: Jumpin' January Hauls

@myxducky I sure hope so! This is an "intervention" year for me, skincare-wise.

Re: Jumpin' January Hauls

Woahh the packaging is so sophisticated! Your skin is going to be so radiant and hydrated throughout 2018 @fieldsofclover! Have fun and enjoy! 

Re: Jumpin' January Hauls

@fieldsofclover  That's a lot of masks, I think that your covered for a while lol, enjoy!

Re: Jumpin' January Hauls

Thanks @darkiceis!  At least I know it's supposed to last a month! haha... Can you imagine if there was a subscription box like this?

Re: Jumpin' January Hauls

First off, happy birthday to all the January babies! 🙂


This is an old christmas haul but thought I'll share.



Neiman Marcus

- BKR liter bottles

- Hum ~ Here comes the sun

- Jo Malone candle ~ I've exchanged the Tomato one for the English pear and freesia


So today I picked up some birthday freebies since I didn't feel like purchasing online


Jo Malone - code is "JANBDAY18" for Lime Basil and Mandarin body creme

I'm kinda happy I choose the store since I got the cologne instead. However the SA did tell me that I had to make a purchase in order to receive the b-day gift, though the email didn't say so... but whatevs... I purchase the Red Roses soap


I purchase the diptyque mimosa candle since I had a coupon to use. Though I sure that the SA would had given me the b-day gift. I've been wanting to try the Christophe Robin scrub XD


Diptyque - sadly you can only receive the bday gift at the boutiques. I wanted the candle, but only the perfume option was available 😕 


Sugarfina 🙂
If you sign up for the newsletter you get a free candy cube for your bday, I choose the Peach Bellini. The SA gave me all those samples on the right!! She was really sweet and I would definitely go back to that location just for her.


I purchased these previously, but I can't resist the Peach Bellini 😧 also wanted to try the watermelon gummies



Definitely love all the free b-day gifts XD


Re: Jumpin' January Hauls



From one Lisa who's a Simpson's fan and a January baby to another...Happy Birthday @lisainprogress!

Re: Jumpin' January Hauls

Happy Birthday! @lisainprogress,

Congratulations on your Haul! 

I love Peach Bellini too, but how are the Watermelon Slices?

Re: Jumpin' January Hauls

thank you @tsavorite 🙂


The watermelon slices are ok. I'll pick Peach Bellini over it any day! Though, the watermelon slices are probably one of the better candies from Sugarfina that I've tried. I need to try the sugar lips! 

Re: Jumpin' January Hauls

Love all your birthday goodies @lisainprogress, and happy birthday! 

Re: Jumpin' January Hauls

Fabulous haul, @lisainprogress!!! 


I had no idea about the Sugarfina birthday gift!!!  Peach Bellini is my fave, too! ❤️


Also loving your Diptyque and Jo Malone!


Happy Birthday!!! ❤️

Re: Jumpin' January Hauls

Thank you @Tamara76


I was planning to write out a list of birthday freebies so everyone can take advantage! Though, i'm sure it will get lost in the threads before those with later birthdays remember to take advantage 😕


The Sugarfina is definitely a good one! I remember signing up for the newsletter just to see the birthday exclusive XD

Re: Jumpin' January Hauls

Didn't we have birthday freebie thread at one time?  That would be a good one to re-start, @lisainprogress❤️


And make sure to let @Mcakes know if you start one so she can add it to the popular links thread. 🙂

Re: Jumpin' January Hauls

@lisainprogress Great haul!! love your jo malone candle and diptyque perfume!

I've never heard of sugarfina candies! are they good? 

Re: Jumpin' January Hauls



It's the devil because they can become very addictive and goodness me...I don't need more temptations! On a less goofy note, I think sugarfina has some great candies, but it's mostly overhyped (for my taste buds). At this rate, I think I've tried a third to a half of their inventory and there's only a handful of their sweets that I like. As to if it's worth the cost, that's subjective. They range from $7.5-$8.5 per small box. 

Re: Jumpin' January Hauls

@pinyo LOL  Actually, I'm checking their website right now! LMAO  seeing everyone's sugarfina hauls makes me feel like I'm missing out on these delicious candies! 



Re: Jumpin' January Hauls

Peach Bellini is the absolute best from Sugarfina @mezzotown88 🙂

However, I agree with @pinyo that it's overhype and the candies are hit&miss. Recently I purchased the Lucky bag and while I did get a good value, I gave away most of what I received. Also shipping from the website makes it not worth the trouble (the SA told me to never order online lol).


Re: Jumpin' January Hauls

Let me know if you need recs! I also probably know all the locations (from memory) in the main hub...if you know what I mean 🙂 If you're ever in the area, it'll make it decently easy for you to get to a store @mezzotown88

Re: Jumpin' January Hauls

@pinyo  Thanks but when I checked the sf site it was showing me there's only one store in our area! and that's a little bit far for me to just get candies  lol.. 

 it's not that far! but I still need to take 3 types of tranportation to get there) Lol

Re: Jumpin' January Hauls

that is definitely the way to celebrate your birthday!! 😄

Happy birthday! You scored some major goodies. Enjoy!

Happy birthday! You scored some major goodies. Enjoy!

Re: Jumpin' January Hauls

@lisainprogress Happy Birthday! 🙂

This is one incredible haul, from the Sugarfina to the Jo Malone and Diptyque. I really enjoy how the Diptyque candle subtlety fills the air with fragrance. I made the "mistake" of buying Diptyque candles last year and now I'm hooked 🙂 

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