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Post in Best Hair Ever
Anonymous Insider

Split hair all the way up

My hairs very thick and long but I have split hair all the way up my hair shack and I know products won’t help should I just cut it or let it be because my hairs sensitive and will probably split regardless of how much I cut off so I’ll just have short hair that will split so should I cut it or not (I don’t use heat or dye or any chemicals )

Re: Split hair all the way up


When you say your hair is split 'all the way up' what does that mean exactly? Do you mean breakage as in your hair breaks off mid shaft, or do you mean the split end starts higher on the hair shaft? 

Take a look at this picture and see if you can tell me what yours are like...Screenshot_20180801-192523_Facebook.jpg





Re: Split hair all the way up


You don't need to cut your hair more often but you do need to trim it more often. Split ends are caused by many things, but the one common factor is the loss of ceramides on the length of the hair. Think of ceramides as the glue that keeps the strand intact; once the ceramides deplete, they loosen and your cuticles become split, hence "split ends". 


Anonymous Insider

Re: Split hair all the way up

I have split ends that look like number one,three ,and four .... I’ll probably just cut my hair up to my chest because I have snlot of mid shaft breakage 

Re: Split hair all the way up



I agree that using the Verb Ghost Oil will help! I use mine as a night treatment and to help seal damaged ends. I also agree that getting regular trims before the hair starts splitting will help. Also, if you hair is color treated or bleached it will be helpful to wait a bit longer between sessions to give your hair a rest.

❤️ Melissa

Re: Split hair all the way up

Getting regular haircuts will definitely help. I get mine trimmed every 2 months and rarely ever take off more than an inch each time. I know it's hard when you love having long hair and are striving to grow it out even more but you have to remember there is no point in having long beautiful hair if it's damaged. As for keeping my hair healthy and moisturized in between cuts, I use Verb's Ghost Oil on damp hair and let it air dry. Products only do so much though and no matter what you use, getting a trim regularly will overall keep your hair looking healthy and nice. 

Split hair all the way up

Cutting your hair is the best option, you can't actually fix split ends, just use certain stylers to bind the ends together and make them look better but the effects go away when you wash your hair, and they don't actually make your hair any healthier. If you want to keep length you can cut a bunch of layers, that will take off a good chunk of damage. Buying split end mender to use while styling will help then looks less fryed (living proof makes a good one). I would definitely get a hair cut though, even if it's just a little trim. The longer you wait the higher up the ends will split and you'll be left with no choice but to chop it all off if you want healthy looking hair.

Re: Split hair all the way up

@Anonymous How often do you get your hair trimmed? I used to get a lot of split ends that went quite deep, but that eventually stopped after I started getting my hair trimmed every five weeks. I just get 1 cm removed, which is really not a lot, but it makes all the difference.


As well, I use products that make the new growth very healthy and strong, and resistant to breakage. See this thread for my product recommendations:


It’s possible to transform your hair without lopping it all off. You just need to be patient and consistent 😊

Anonymous Insider

Re: Split hair all the way up

My hair grows extremely fast but I’d prefer to not cut it all off unless I have to i cut my hair at least once a year or when I see my ends are getting bad but the last time I cut it they did it incorrectly so I have many layers and split hair to that goes almost to my Scalp so thank you I’ll check out that link

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