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Post in Best Hair Ever

Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

So I’ve been using Olaplex no.3 for years without issue. When they came out with no.0 I was eager to try it.... unfortunately the results were awful. Immediately after putting in on my hair my scalp was burning and itching, but I unfortunately ignored it and let it sit for the recommended 10 min. When I looked in the mirror my face was broken out in a red, raised rash in each spot that the saturated hair had touched my face. It’s been almost two weeks since I used it and my scalp is still itchy and the skin on my forehead is super dry and feels really weird like almost scaly?? It’s extremely rough to the touch and looks leathery which is very out of the norm for my usual super soft skin. It’s (forehead skin) also still itchy! Has anyone else experienced this?! How do I get my skin back to normal - no amount of moisturizer seems to work :(((

Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

This same thing happened to me. I never felt a burning or tingling sensation. The product smell was a bit unpleasant. It kinda reminded me of that Aphogee mask that hardens your hair. About a week later, I have a big patch of raised, flaky skin near my temple. I’m so disappointed and cannot wait until my skin turns back to normal. My scalp is flaky now as well. This product is terrible. 

Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

I have read and saw so many good things about Olaplex. So I saved up my money and bought.

#0, #3, #4 & #5

When I sprayed number 0 on my Head and hair I Started to feel like I couldn't breathe and started coughing. So then I went to Google and ask about Olaplex allergies and was so surprised to come up with so many people having had poor experiences with Olaplex. I've only used at once I'm going to give it another try I'm hoping for better results. I had some conditioner that I had forgotten about that I left on in my hair From another brand and I'm wondering if the number 0 had a bad reaction with it. 

Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

I’ve been using for months. Love my hair but I have severe itchy scalp and I only wash every 2-3 days so wasn’t thinking it was the shampoo.  Saw the recent lawsuit and a Lightbulb went off. I guess these are my last bottles! 

Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

Ive been using Olaplex 4 and 5 for about 3 months, and my hair looks way better...I started to buy Olaplex when i saw how good my friends hair looks ,and she bleaches her hair... I  just picked up Olaplex #3 hair perfector to try...I have just rinsed my hair ,and saturated it in the number 3 Olaplex.  I do feel it tingling and like scalp might feel a bit sensitive..I was going to leave it on over night, but i think i may just leave it on a couple hours...It has "not "made my forehead red, and all else is ok...I  love the shampoo and conditioner, so im hoping for a win with the # 3 Olaplex!!!!

Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

!!!if this happens to you immediately run under cold water!!!! Don’t let the run off water from the product in your hair to touch your skin! 

this website says to run it under cold water for 20 minutes-it seems to have worked for me.


Add another one to the reaction list. It barely was on my face for 10 Minutes before turning red!! I didn’t even think to worry about it. I washed my face immediately with a gentle cleanser although I’m not sure you’re supposed to do that-and then tan it under cold water when it didn’t come off. Luckily I managed to escape pain and itchiness so far, and it seems to have gone down ALOT. I still have one spot where the most product went. I used 0 and 3 in combo like it suggests and I threw both out and my conditioner as well. I will never use this product again. I will be contacting olaplex and Sephora for a refund.  


You’re gonna be ok girlies, take care of yourselves.


Olaplex No. 0 Intensive Bond Building Hair Treatment for Deep Repair & Strengthening 

Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?


Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?


Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

This was my face after Olaplex 0

on fire!! 😞

Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

I have the same problem. I had just started to use opalex starting off this the N.o4 but nothing has happened until I added they’re conditioner. Does anybody have any suggestions to get rid of the itching? I don’t want to go to the urgent care for this.

Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

Yup, I had the same reaction. Leathery now and still super itchy. It's been several weeks. I didn't consider the Olaplex since I had been using it for several months. When I added Bonding oil #7, after one use, I was itchy and didn't use it again. After several weeks the #6 Bond smoother I had been using for months reacted as well, and now my rash is pretty bad. I hate to give it all away for fear someone else might get the same reaction. Has anyone talked to the company? And what is the trigger ingredient?

Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

I just ended up on this feed because I’ve had a terrible reaction to the Olaplex 0.  I’m a hairstylist and have only used it on myself for the first time 2 weeks ago.  Nightmare in last two weeks with bumps/welts, itching, burning.  I literally went to an urgent care center yesterday and the prescribed me steroids but thankfully after two weeks it’s finally dissipating so I won’t need to use them. Wish I knew the exact ingredient they use in it to know what to avoid in any future products. I never want to have to go through that nightmare again. 

Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

I, too, have had a reaction using Olaplex. My hair is shoulder-length, and I love what it does to my hair, but the rash down the side of my face and my neck feel like a cross between hives and poison oak. The rash didn't start until I added the finishing oil #7. I stopped using #7 but continued my pre-bond #0 & #3 treatment, shampoo #4, conditioner #5 & Bond smoother #6. Then the Bond smoother started to react on my skin. What is in Olaplex that is triggering this response?

Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

Hi, I just wanted to comment in this thread to say that there are many people coming forward with bad experiences with Olaplex products, including major irritation, itching, headaches, breakage, and hair loss. I am one of them! If you see this and have experienced any negative side effects from this brand, please feel free to join our FB group “Olaplex and hair loss?” We are all getting together and sharing our experiences and consolidating to hopefully make this issue more visible. We have almost 700 members and growing… come join if you feel compelled. 

Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

I used no. 6. After over a week with a burning head, watering eyes, red cheeks, swollen lips, a metallic taste in my mouth, an increased heart rate, and difficulty breathing, I shaved my head because it seemed like the product was off-gassing a chemical every time I tried to wash it out or even when my body heat increased. I have also visited virtual healthcare service, a dermatologist, and the ER. They have not pinpointed any specific issue, but have prescribed antihistimines and oral and topical steroids. These have helped a little, but I'm tapering off on the oral steroids and the symptoms seem to be coming back. This is the first allergic reaction I've had to anything. At the ER, they said they could not pinpoint it, but I clearly have a chemical in my system that just needs to work it's way out. Until then, the symptoms will likely continue.

Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

After a week of feeling like my head is on fire and dealing with the craziest itching sensation ever, I’ve concluded it’s the Olaplex. My dermatologist suspected hair dye, but that application had been done weeks prior with no problem. My Olaplex reaction did not happen as quickly as those in this post. Mine was more like a slow burn and then kapow, it hit all at once. This is my second application of Olaplex and it has happened again after healing my scalp with a topical solution from the doctor. Now I know the culprit is indeed Olaplex. It makes me sad because it does work wonders on my unruly curly and frizzy hair, but I can’t sleep or function with the hot scalp and itching. Obviously, there is an ingredient that doesn’t agree with some of their users. I feel like a warning needs to be placed on this bottle to have people do a test area prior to use. The burn and itch is awful! 

Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

Exact same reaction. It lasted for weeks. I washed daily,  with shampoo and baking soda for weeks, before I could get any relief. I thought I was going to die, over this stuff. Had to go to doctor. 

Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

am on my way to my dermatologist in exactly 2 hours.  I’m on my 3rd application of Olaplex 0 and Olaplex 3, and I’ve had a consistent headache for one whole week, plus my scalp is burning so bad. My scalp is burning in the crown of my head, which is where MUCH OF MY HAIR HAS BROKEN OFF.   I’m sad and scared. 

Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

I had the same reaction after getting this applied after coloring my hair in the salon I regularly go to. My face, neck, scalp and ears have been itching like crazy and I’m experiencing that same raised, red rash. The texture of my skin has completely changed. I’m having to go to a dermatologist to get this treated bc nothing I’ve tried has stopped the redness and the itching. Washing my hair didn’t help either. Please don’t ever use this, at home or in a salon!




Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

Yes!! This. I thought I was going crazy. I've never reacted to using any hair product before.  Now Olaplex was the kicker. My ears, face and neck reacted the worst. I'm having the same reaction with Briogeo Don't Despair, Repair! 

I wish I would of know I could return products. I have a brand new bottle of Olaplex and oil.  

Re: Olaplex 0 - allergic reaction?

I used olaplex 0,3,4,8 and had and still have burning sensation on my scalp. Did it a week ago.  Washed with regular normal shampoo and conditioner still burning. The burning started after i finished the treatment of olaplex and nothing but problems. Lost hair little breakage im super sad. Any have this happend before? Do you have any recommendations? Doctors gave me some meds to stop the burning 


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