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What’s in your cup?

A companion thread to What's on your plate? 


I thought it would fun to share what we’re all drinking. It could be your favourite tea or show of your crowd pleasing cocktail recipes. What’s in your cup?

Right now, I’m enjoying a nice cup of ginger peach tea with milk and honey. It’s nice and calming before bed. 



And shout out to the original thread  I kinda found out too late about this and it’s been far too long since it was updated. 


Re: What’s in your cup?

@itsfi You definitely can't have a no buy for coffee and coffee-related beverages. However, you have definitely included some of my favorite categories (makeup, handbags, shoes and clothes) in your low buy. I should do the same!

Re: What’s in your cup?

Coffee is a necessity @PrettyPaint! ️ is your low buy for the whole year? Part of the year?

Re: What’s in your cup?

@itsfi I should be on a no or low buy, but I don't necessarily have a plan. I think I'm just going to try to be conscious of not buying anything too similar to what I already own. 

Re: What’s in your cup?

@PrettyPaint, being more conscious of what you're buying is a great plan! So much of it is being mindful, I think. At least for me. It can be easy to just fall into the pattern of seeing something that catches my eye and buying it. 

Re: What’s in your cup?

Matcha latte



Re: What’s in your cup?

@SportyGirly125 Cutest sticker!  The marketing on this is spot on!

Re: What’s in your cup?

@missjeanie @They have some funny stickers. 

Re: What’s in your cup?

@SportyGirly125  That looks delicious, and I love the sticker. As many times as I have tried to make matcha lattes from home, they are never nearly as good as coffee/tea shops.

Re: What’s in your cup?

@SportyGirly125 Matcha lattes are so good! And that sticker is hilarious! We all know you’re not a grinch though. 😊

Re: What’s in your cup?

@JoSometimes @They have a bunch of fun stickers that they put on every cup. My husband got one that isn’t appropriate to post on here. It was good laughs. 

Re: What’s in your cup?

Gingerbread oatmilk chai from Starbucks

Gingerbread oatmilk chai.jpg

I prefer the holiday / winter coffee drinks than the pumpkin / early fall ones, so this drink was right up my alley. Not sure if it's a regular on their holiday menu or a new drink this year, but it was warm and cozy. 😋  A nice change from my usual drip coffee or cold brew.

Re: What’s in your cup?

Mmm… Sounds perfect for keeping warm and toasty @itsfi!

Re: What’s in your cup?

It was really good @JoSometimes! I do use the weather as an excuse justification for indulging. 😉 Well, it’s not only the weather I use for that. 😝 

Re: What’s in your cup?

@itsfi  That looks really good. I've been wanting to try that, but I wasn't sure if it contains any espresso or just the chai. I guess I could always have them add some - a dirty gingerbreak oatmilk chai?

Re: What’s in your cup?

@PrettyPaint, it’s just chai tea, but I am looooving your dirty gingerbread oatmilk chai. I’m indulging in a coffee ️ at the moment with brunch, but I am not at all opposed to grabbing a PrettyPaint 2023 Special (aka dirty gingerbread oatmilk chai) on my way home. I mean, I’m suuuuure I’ll pass by a Starbucks on my way home today. 🚙 

Re: What’s in your cup?

@itsfi Let me know if you give it a try! I agree that it sounds like the perfect after-work treat (as long as it doesn't keep you up tonight). I think I might use my starbucks rewards on it!! 

Re: What’s in your cup?

Time got away from me @PrettyPaint! And I even passed by 2 Starbucks stores on my way home today. I will plan to pick one up on my way to work tomorrow. 

Re: What’s in your cup?

@itsfiCertainly no rush to try it, but I am always an advocate for more coffee! 

Re: What’s in your cup?

I'm so sorry for the delay @PrettyPaint; I tried your creation earlier today and ohhhh, it was delicious! I just haven't had a lot of time to upload photos until this evening. I need to pace myself but I will be having the PrettyPaint 2023 Special again, possibly before this week is over. It was yummy. I should have known - coffee makes everything better. 😂 

Re: What’s in your cup?

This sounds tasty, @itsfi ! 😋

Re: What’s in your cup?

It was delicious @Titian06. Not too sweet, and I could taste the spices. Yum!

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