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What are you Reading?!

Hey guys so i notice the old thread was kinda dead so i thought would start a fresh one 🙂 


Se feel free to share what you are reading,  what you have read,  what you plan to read, recommendations and your  " to read'  choices!!! 

I'll start!! 😄 


Recently finished reading "Sins of the House of Borgia" by Sarah Bower and it was AMAZING!!! I definitely recommend it  it has to do with the family but about on of the lady's living in their castle helping Lucretia.  its a fictional twist on the history which i love! 

im stuck in that era right now and love the borgia family 


i have a few others on my currenty reading list that involve members of the borgia family as well as during that period in time


and I'm hoping to get a kindle from my bf for christmas.  if not  gonna see if theres a good boxing day deal on it 🙂 


oh and heres my current need to read pile 🙂   if anyone wants to know whats in it let me know 🙂 



Re: What are you Reading?!

THe Leah Remini book was so good! I was surprised how much I enjoyed it, since I am not a huge nonfiction reader. She discusses her life in Scientology and how hard it was to get out - really interesting. 

One more book then back to the library!

Re: What are you Reading?!

Also--I only read on a Kobo now and I LOVE it. Love that it can fit in most of my purses, and how I can just buy books and have it instantly appear in my "library".


I got it as a Christmas gift a few years ago. It sucks for books with maps (Lord of the Rings, anyone?) and family trees but I usually save a PDF copy on my computer and refer to it when I need to, if I'm at home.

Re: What are you Reading?!

ive been stuck between the kobo and kindle however i will be getting a kindle either from my bf for christmas or from myself on boxing day HAHA 😛 

Re: What are you Reading?!

I chose a Kobo because at the time it was easier to get in store and easier to exchange. Honestly, didn't even look at Kindle! 

Re: What are you Reading?!

I used to read A LOT as a child and young adult, but call me lazy...I stopped when I became an adult. Maybe life got in the way? There were still books that really captured my interest, like the Twilight series (I'm almost embarrassed to admit to this, however I HATED the movies) and the Millennium series, but other than that I was only reading a few books a year.


Recently, with hubby laid off (don't worry, he's found another job!), my commute to work became boring and I decided to pick up reading again. My train commute is about 15 minutes, so I read about 30 minutes every weekday, and sometimes on a weekend I'll plough through a book that I'm halfway through, and I've managed to average 1 book per 2 weeks/10 commuting days... not impressive by any means, but that's still better than reading nothing!


I finished these titles recently:

- Girl in the Spider's Web

- The Help

- Room

- The Kitchen House

- Sarah's Key

- Slammerkin


And I'm currently reading The House at Riverton as a means to fill the Downton Abbey void until the Christmas special comes out. I'm spending way too much time trying to decide what to read next, probably because I really enjoyed the last couple of books I read (Slammerkin and The Kitchen House) and it's been hard to find a blurb that's as captivating as those of the ones that I have recently enjoyed. The sequel to The Kitchen House is called "Glory over Everything" and comes out April 2016, and I CAN'T WAIT. I don't remember the last time I was excited about a book release. Maybe Breaking Dawn? LOL *embarrassed* No, I lie. I was excited about The Girl in the Spider's Web but the book was a huge disappointment.


To overcome my fickleness with picking my next book, I'm thinking of doing this 2016 reading challenge. Would anyone else be interested in joining?



Re: What are you Reading?!

This is EXCELLENT! I think I'll try this challenge. Thanks so much for this, k617! 😄

Re: What are you Reading?!

that looks like a sweet challenge    

sadly half the list does not tickle my fancy at all LMFAOO

Re: What are you Reading?!

That's the get you out of your reading comfort zone! 😄

Re: What are you Reading?!

but its so comfy 😛 

Re: What are you Reading?!

Hahaha I hear ya!

Anonymous Insider

Re: What are you Reading?!

I aim for two to three books a week. I just finished the Anne Stuart Ice series. I read everything from smut to political biographies. Goodreads is a great site for setting up reading lists and recommendations. 

Re: What are you Reading?!

love good reads I set up my yearly reading challenge within the hour of the new year hitting my goal is low key but enough to keep me happy I set my bar for 35 books. I've only ticked one off my list so far. but happy I polished off one book so far. which was the amber spyglass by philip pullman and am happy to annouce I have only a little bit left of the second book I'm working on "storm front - dresden files book 1 by Jim butcher." 🙂 

Re: What are you Reading?!

i used to use Goodreads.... i should again!! haha 

and i should try to do 2 a week.... haha

Anonymous Insider

Re: What are you Reading?!

My reading list is beyond never ending! I'm pretty much at the point where I need a new bookcase or two. I'm currently reading A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess and it's easily becoming my new favorite. I hope to start Outlander next, but I need to start reading The Lord of the Rings trilogy for a class this coming semester. However, I'm still waiting for the books to be delivered...

Re: What are you Reading?!

Hi BlueTypewriter,


Outlander is AMAZING! You should read it! (No pressure as school should be a priority). If you read The Lord of the Rings, I encourage you to read The Hobbit as well. The Hobbit is much easier to read and is actually pretty funny. 


Best Wishes and Happy Reading,



Re: What are you Reading?!

Ooo I've been thinking about reading outlander.  Trying to control myself though.   Need to get through all of these first.   Put myself on a no book buy for a bit 😛

Anonymous Insider

Re: What are you Reading?!

I saw the box set of the first four books of the series at Target and it was just calling my name! And, of course, there were five or six other books that I wanted there. Eventually, they'll be added to my collection.

Re: What are you Reading?!

No self control.   I feel you. 


My problem to is.  I need to like the cover. 😂 That's a selling point to me 

Re: What are you Reading?!

My to reads if anyone is interested 🙂 

just started Kings Agent. It's pretty good 🙂


Re: What are you Reading?!

I'm currently reading Delirium, a story about love being a disease. I started it a while ago and haven't finished yet. So far so good. 🙂

Re: What are you Reading?!

ooo  sounds like my kind of book!! 😄 

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