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What are you Reading?!

Hey guys so i notice the old thread was kinda dead so i thought would start a fresh one 🙂 


Se feel free to share what you are reading,  what you have read,  what you plan to read, recommendations and your  " to read'  choices!!! 

I'll start!! 😄 


Recently finished reading "Sins of the House of Borgia" by Sarah Bower and it was AMAZING!!! I definitely recommend it  it has to do with the family but about on of the lady's living in their castle helping Lucretia.  its a fictional twist on the history which i love! 

im stuck in that era right now and love the borgia family 


i have a few others on my currenty reading list that involve members of the borgia family as well as during that period in time


and I'm hoping to get a kindle from my bf for christmas.  if not  gonna see if theres a good boxing day deal on it 🙂 


oh and heres my current need to read pile 🙂   if anyone wants to know whats in it let me know 🙂 



Re: What are you Reading?!

just finished reading "Me before You by Jojo Moyes Notes: without any spoilers it is a really good and intense thought provoking read now onward and upward next up is Life After Life by Kate Atkinson I'm only a chapter in but the first chapter is riveting. hopefully the rest of the book proves to be so as well. 🙂 hope everyone is enjoying whatever they are reading as well. 



Re: What are you Reading?!

Hi Zpsid91 I am glad to hear i am not the only one whom can read that fast LOL. you cannot believe the crazy looks I get when I say that to people. i swear constant book/reading hangovers LOL. gotta love them as much as I hate the headaches and blurry eyes that come with them. 🙂 

Re: What are you Reading?!

sorry this was in response to a previous post LOL. I didn't realize I posted it at the top of the thread. 

Re: What are you Reading?!

Currently reading me before you  by jojo moyes 



I am liking the fact that the MC whom is very "imperfect" but there are some stumbling blocks for me within the book. the main one being that I don't have an opinion yet on the controversial issue so far presented within the book. which is also in a way a good thing because so far am angry or happy with how it is going in that regard. I am just choosing to read it under the genre it is "fiction" and leave it at that despite the topic being so controversial in regards to the secondary MC. I am almost finished with the book. and am liking it so far. 



Re: What are you Reading?!

I am a big fan of the Starz series, so for Mother's Day my kids got me the first 4 novels of the Outlander series. I just finished the second one the day before the season finale this past weekend, and started the third book on Sunday. I am so hooked.....

Re: What are you Reading?!

I love this thread idea! Always love seeing what others are reading!


I usually read fiction/novels. In fact, it used to be exclusively what I'd read. I still love fiction, but lately I've been getting into non-fiction.


I just finished reading Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer and oh my, it is so insightful!

eating animals

Here's a quote from the book that I really liked so I put it on my instagram:


humans as animals


Next I'm probably going to read another nonfiction. I think I'll check out How Not to Die by Dr. Michael Greger. It's a not-for-profit book, and all proceeds go to charity that educates people how to reverse diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity and the other top American killers.




After that, I might have to get back into some fiction! I've been out of the loop on recently released books. Anyone got any recommendations for someone who has enjoyed reading:


The Hunger Games



Maze Runner


etc. (I'm a YA reader, apparently!)

Re: What are you Reading?!

@e4stofthesun have you tried Lunar Chronicles? It's been pretty popular since it came out, and I think it has a bit of a similar feel to some of the books you listed (action-oriented, high stakes, sci fi ish). The whole series is out now so you could binge read them 😉


You also might like Marie Lu's books, and possibly the Starbound and Across the Universe series.


Do you like fantasy at all?



Re: What are you Reading?!

Hey, thanks! I'll check them out! I've never read much fantasy, but I kind of like a mix between fantasy and sci-fi, like Speaker for the Dead, The Last Unicorn, and A Wrinkle in Time.

Re: What are you Reading?!

Love a wrinkle in time! 

Re: What are you Reading?!

@e4stofthesun I'm a big fantasy fan, so I have lots of suggestions there, that's why I was asking 🙂 


I'll just leave you with a few of my personal favourites, that I think others might enjoy reading:

  • Kristin Cashore (start with Graceling)
  • Sarah J Maas
  • Leigh Bardugo
  • Rachel Hartman's Seraphina (sooo well-written)
  • Victoria Schwab
  • Tamora Pierce (I'd recommend starting with her older books, Lionness quartet)

Re: What are you Reading?!

I've been hearing good things about the author Sarah J. Maas's books. 🙂 

Re: What are you Reading?!

Thank you so much!!!

Anonymous Insider

Re: What are you Reading?!

I'm already 50 pages or so into The Girl with All the Gifts by MR Carey and I've been told the plot twist that I've already guess 10 pages in...I hope there's more to it than what I'm expecting.

Anonymous Insider

Re: What are you Reading?!

Just starting Eeny Meeny by Matthew Arlidge. It was a pretty buzzed about book last year but I had other reads and series I wanted to get to first. 

Re: What are you Reading?!

Currently Reading: 


- Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices, #1) by Cassandra Clare 


Anonymous Insider

Re: What are you Reading?!

Currently reading Blue Labyrinth by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child.  Honestly they're my favorite authors and they have some awesome thrillers.


For anyone looking for good thrillers here are some of read that are really really good 😉 🙂


Relic- Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child - There is a movie that was made based off this book (its terrible don't watch it).  This book is amazing and you will fall in love with the characters.  The main character is a very eccentric FBI agent who is a modern day Sherlock Holmes.  (This one is the 1st in the series currently I think there's 12 books all of them are amazing)


Jurassic Park- Michael Crichton - If you thought you loved the movie this book will blow it out of the water.  It's a really good sci-fi book and if you enjoy science and some philosophy you won't be able to put this book down.


Next- Michael Crichton - You follow the story of a father who is a scientist I believe in a sort of pharmaceutical company.  It does deal with medicine but in the world of this book everything just falls apart so quickly, people start dying strangely, others are extremely sick one day and totally fine the next.  It's kind of like the twilight zone and you have no idea what to do.  Fantastic read and the ending is so satisfying and makes you seriously question everything.


Coma- Robin Cook - I have always loved thrillers and sci-fi but this one generally scared the crap out of me.  It's based in real world medicine available at the time of the book being published.  I don't think I'll ever quite look at surgery the same way ever again.


Kiss the Girls- James Patterson - This is the second book in his Alex Cross series and I liked this one way better than Along Came a Spider (it was a very good book but extremely creepy).  This one deals with some kidnappings, possible murders, and the great detective that all the baddies are after.  This book is especially creepy and I had to put it down several times but I had to finish it because I wanted to know everyone was ok.


The Hobbit- JRR Tolkien - I read this book 3 times, no lie.  I love that this has everything you want in an adventure and the characters are loveable and understandable.  You connect with Bilbo and root for him but he causes all kinds of trouble that he has to get the group out of.  It's an amazing read and I'd totally read it again if it weren't 7 million pages long.

Re: What are you Reading?!

Love the hobbit. I also like a good thriller now and again. I have read both Cat & mouse & Kiss the girls, as well as a few other patterson books and i agree with you that kiss the girls was better than Cat and Mouse, as well as conurring that it was super spooky.the movie wasn't half bad either. the one with ashely judd and morgan freeman in it, though I watched it a long time ago and now it would probably seems more campy because the movie has aged out a bit with all the HD DVD non VHS stuff going on but it was still good. 🙂

Re: What are you Reading?!

Hmm, I'll recommend a few different types to see if there's anything that catches your eye 🙂 

Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein - set during WW2, and it's a beautiful story about friendship. It's also one of the more surprising books I've read. The first half was slower than the second, but it all comes together by the end. One of my all-time favourites.


All the Truth That's in Me by Julie Berry - definitely falls under mystery/thriller genre. A girl is kidnapped and when she returns to her village, her tongue has been cut out... and she knows some secrets. 


I read this one a while ago, but there's The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer - the author has some really interesting backstory about how she was inspired to write this, and it's so interesting.


Another one I liked was Bird Box by Josh Malerman. It's more thriller/horror. But it isn't overly scary - more like creepy and strange. 

Re: What are you Reading?!



Currently Reading "Wild: From lost to found on the pacific crest trail 

Re: What are you Reading?!

Cool! How are you liking it? Does it read as a novel or a non-fiction?

Re: What are you Reading?!

sorry it took me ages to get back to your question. I didn't like it at first but then it grew on me a little after a few months. I wouldn't like it enough to read it again but it was an "experience" enough to say that i liked it now that I've let it sink in. I feel it read like a combo of novel and non-fiction. if that makes sense. some  memoir biography etc. oddly enough read that way for me. though i will say there was a really tough part in that book to get over well there were a few but one if you end up reading the book you will know what I am mentioning without mentioning it. I am not one for giving out spoilers. 🙂 again sorry it took so long to respond. 

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