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Live Chat with Vernon François


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Founder and celebrity hairstylist Vernon François is making his BeautyTalk debut on Monday, July 10, to answer your hair questions. Visit this thread between 12pm and 1pm PDT to ask him anything— from how to whip damaged hair back into shape to discovering the right products for your texture.


Be sure click "Follow this thread" on the right side of this post to be notified via email when one of your questions is answered.


Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Wow, that 60 mins went so quickly.  Thank you taking the time to send in all your questions.  Don't forget to follow me @vernonfrancoishair @VernonFrancois on Instagram / Facebook & YouTube.  Lots of love to you all.  Let's do a CURL DANCE.....  🙂

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Vernon! So happy to have you on BeautyTalk! I wanted you to know that I got my *whole* life since meeting you at Sephora HQ and getting my on-the-fly consultation! Trying to embrace my natural texture now (using your amazing Pure-Fro spray!). 




Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hey @candacebt you look absolutely incredible. I'm completely in love with your curls.... 

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi Vernon, My curls are tight. I would like them to be looser and move. What do you suggest?

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi @oooo Tip One:  you can always tie your hair in a pony tail from when it's medium wet.  Tip 2: use a hair dryer with some heat at the roots only.  This elongates your curl patter and creates volume and a lot of movement (I do this all the time with my celebrity clients #donttellanyone) Screen Shot 2017-07-10 at 1.00.21 PM.png

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

So with having natural curly hair I try my very best to avoid split ends . I use the brand shea moisture to keep my hair healthy and bouncy .  I try to avoid the harsh chemicals in some curly hair products (that's why I use the all natural) What're some hair products that you recommend for curly hair ?




Please and thank you for reading and responding,Alba.

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi @smileyalby my entire collection is designed for hair health using the most enriching and natural ingredients.  I invite you to try my Whipped Deep Conditioner.  

Anonymous Insider

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

My curls aren’t naturally very defined, what’s the best way to add shape without hot tools?

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi @pinkypie0 what's great for all hair types is Bantu Knots / China Bumps.  Use one of the Moisture Sprays before and after.  You'll get an AMAZING S-shape curl

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Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi, Vernon!  Thank you for chatting with us!  I have shoulder length fine, thin wavy, curly hair.  I wash my hair every other day.  The day I wash my hair I let it air dry.  Once it's dry, I have lovely long, loose spirals.  The problem is the next day; it's virtually straight.  All the curly and most of the wave is gone.  I've tried spritzing water and scrunching and adding curl cream (along with the water), neither works to bring back any curl.  Suggestions?


Thank you for your time!

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi @Titian06 so the curl cream you are using is probably too heavy for your hair.  What you want to do is try to diffuse your hair rather than letting it air dry.  Low heat, low pressure.  This is going to give your curls more stamina.  My moisture sprays would be very good for you.  For day 2 curls, my suggestion would be to pin curl it before you go to sleep.  Each morning don't be afraid to put some life back in your curls.  Shake your hair, flip your hair from side to side.  Dance like no one is looking....  🙂 


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Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Thank you @VernonFrancois!  I'll give the diffuser and pin curls a try.


I already shake and flip my hair both standing up and bent over at the waist.  Unfortunately, this just makes my hair poofy and frizzy.

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hey Vernon, 


I have issues with strands of my hair being straight in the middle yet curly on the ends. I use very little heat on my hair, my last blow out was 4 months ago. Could something be causing my hair to change texture? What can I do to improve?


Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi @sc3271 This sounds to me like heat damage and curl memory loss in the hair.  This can be restored by lightly scrunching your hair each morning while your hair is air drying.  Use curl enhancing products (which my entire range speaks to).  My Curl conditioner contains Kerestore 2.0 which helps to repair the most damaged areas of the hair cuticle.  Again, be patient when drying.  


Re: Live Chat with Vernon François


Hi Vernon! I recently started losing a lot of hair and by now have lost about 60% of it (possibly due to being sick for 2 months and the medication I took in addition to weaning from nursing) and out of desperation I got it cut just up to my shoulders. It is not breaking but simply shedding from the follicles. My hair is wavy and with the hip length I used to have and the thickness gave it more soft waves but I recall in the past the shorter I went the wavier it would be and very defined looking.


However, since the cut 2 weeks ago, my hair is all crazy fluffy And frizzy with the littlest Amount of product weighing it down. I like to air dry and find it just feels limp and lifeless. The products that worked for me before no longer do. My scalp is not oily and I am also finding it flakey occasionally. I rarely heat styled my hair and always had lush shiny hair.


The picture above is when it was freshly cut and I had to do a lot to make it look this way. I did not like my cut either.


I would love suggestions how to bring life back to my hair and any products that could is getting a little depressing to deal with. Thank you! 



Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi @Anewxa thank you for taking the time to write in.  For scalp health I'd recommend using the Scalp Nourishment spray from my range.  Its a light mist that really delivers what the scalp needs to keep healthy.  Also anything from the Curl range would be good for you as it's so nourishing.  Our hair is forever changing and it's important to always ramp up the regime.  Consider cutting your hair a little shorter - this way you can finger twist and gently scrunching.  Also you could use a diffuser to help encourage this - don't forget to keep it on a low heat and low pressure....  Take your time with this.  Here's a before and after shot with just above shoulder length which perhaps you could try?  

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Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Thank you @VernonFrancois! I may try shorter in a couple months but since I just cut off about 10-12 inches I think that was heart ache enough 😄 .. I will look into suggested products and time to bust out my diffuser I suppose. 

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

@Anewxa - You're very pretty!  If that's a 60% hair loss, I would love to have seen your hair at 100%!  I am sorry to read your story.  Our hair really defines us, doesn't it?


BTW, as someone who has no eyebrows or eyelashes, I am in love with your eyebrows!

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi Vernon! 
What are your thought on Viviscal (growth supplement)? So many models, hair stylists, and others in the industry have sung it's praises. I am hoping to demystify! 

Thank you!
Morgan MacDonald

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi! Any recommendations for a a first time mom with hair loss, and overall dullness? 

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