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Live Chat with Vernon François


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Founder and celebrity hairstylist Vernon François is making his BeautyTalk debut on Monday, July 10, to answer your hair questions. Visit this thread between 12pm and 1pm PDT to ask him anything— from how to whip damaged hair back into shape to discovering the right products for your texture.


Be sure click "Follow this thread" on the right side of this post to be notified via email when one of your questions is answered.


Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Congratulations @buzzbee3 on your newborn.  My dear friend asked me the same question yesterday.  Your body is going through so many changes at the moment and this is a natural stage that most women go through.  My advice is simply be patient.  Eat good food - greens, oils and vitamin supplements (like fish oils).  But if you fancy just a bit of sparkle and shine with the dullness then have a spray of the Dazzling Spritz.  You'll feel fabulous... 

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

So happy to have you at Sephora! I'm thinking of transitioning from casually relaxed (1-2x/year) to natural hair, however, I'm not ready to do the big chop just yet. Any recommendations to help ease transition as I grow out my hair?

I have fine hair that is kinky/coily when natural. It is generally healthy although I'm currently dealing with some post-partum breakage.

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

I've always recommended during transition to braid your hair away - some loose braids and you can either sew extensions or wear a wig.  During this period experiment with curly wigs to see what styles you like.  

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

 Hi Vernon! Thank you so much for joining us here today. Love the smile on your profile pic, btw! Simply radiant. ❤️


 Not to sure if this is fitting, but I have a question about my daughter's hair. Granted she's only 14 months, but she's got curls that I do not have-- kinda sorta like Halle Berry curls like this:



That's her hair after I comb da thang post-bath. ...and it curls up like this in no time: 
lil 1.jpg

So with that said, 

1. What kind of product should I use to keep her hair from drying? I am currently rubbing in a tiny bit of coconut oil after bath, but is there anything else that I should look into? I think she might be too young for other leave-in products, but please correct me if I'm wrong!


2. Is there any way I can style her hair, other than just leaving the unruly curls as they are? Any suggestions would be much, much appreciated. 


 Since I have super straight hair and no one else around me has curls like hers, any input would be so very much helpful and appreciated. Thank you, Vernon! 

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi @NarNarNars. Thank you so much for your question.  You are doing everything you need to do.  Be patient.  So lovely to hear that you are embracing your daughter's beautiful gift #curls.  The only thing I'd suggest, other than the coconut oil is a tiny bit of Shea Butter occasionally.  I'm always on hand if you need guidance on my Instagram page. 

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

@VernonFrancois Ooh shea butter why haven't I thought about that?! I will be sure to reach out to you via Instagram if I ever need your expertise, which I am sure will happen in no time. Domo arigato!! ❤️ ❤️

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi @sbowden So before getting in the shower, ensure your hair is already detangled as much as possible before exposing it to water.  Shampoo your hair in four sections - each section separately,  Always work from the bottom upwards.  Condition in the same way.  Move your hands in the same direction / motion as the water (Vertical).  

This is mind over matter and this is the best technique for you...!  

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi, What products do you recommend I use for parts of my hair to catch up with my shoulder length hair?

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

@jcordero91 Hey - there is no quick fix.  Keep your hair healthy with nourishing shampoos and conditioners.  Eat healthy food!  Massage your scalp for five minutes every night before bed. 

Anonymous Insider

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hello Vernon Francois.

My hair is super curly when it’s wet but when it dries it gets really frizzy.  Help me please! What can you recommend? 

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi @AnonymousFrom what you have described, it may be that your hair is quite porous, meaning hair easily absorbs but also loses moisture quickly.  Trying to attract and retain moisture in your strands should help.  Product-wise I’d recommend a refreshing CURL~ or RE~VAMP Moisture Spray in-between washes and CO~WASH in between regular shampoos, to gently cleanse and intensely moisturise the hair.  

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hey guys.  I’m so excited to get this conversation started with you all.  Keep the questions coming and I’ll get through as many of them as possible.  Let’s chat kinky, coily, wavy, straight and damaged hair Follow @vernonfrancoishair / @VernonFrancois on Instagram / Facebook & YouTube.  Oh and don’t forget a big part of my story and the evolution of the brand and its ICONS is my dyslexia so please forgive any typos… 

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

me42014NewDoUGHHHHH.jpgHello!!!!  I hope you can help me!  I have baby fine silky thinning hair (cut like a pixie ... touch longer) and its color treated by salon stylist.....  I have tried everything & anything to get the right cut & right products..... Love Kris Jenner's haircut & color which is what I am aiming for.....
Hope to hear back from you soon!
Have a wonderful day, Vernon  😉

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi @kimmycats Thank you for sending in your photo.  The best way to achieve what I think is going to look best on you will be to put your hair in Velvet Rollers (see image for direction) with some Re Vamp moisture spray which will help maximize your texture.  It’s always superb to have a ‘hair icon’ but take the photo inspiration to your hairdresser and ask them to create the version of that look that’s right for you.  If you were in my chair in the salon right now I’d suggest taking your fringe a little shorter and then almost undercutting around the sides.  You’ve got a beautiful face, we want to see it!

Photo Jul 10, 12 03 30 PM.jpg

Anonymous Insider

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi Vernon,

I never really know how often I should REALLY be cutting my hair. What do you recommend? 

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi @Anonymous Ideally, I’d recommend 6-12 weeks for anyone with wavy or curly hair, while coily, tight curls and kinky patterns could wait as long as two months for a trim. 

If your hair is colored or heat damaged I would advise to check if the hair needs cutting every time you are having it colored to avoid over processing the ends. 

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi Vernon!


Thanks for chatting with us today!  My hair is between kinky and wavy and I like to let it air dry in the summer months. It's fine, I have lots of it and it's not chemically treated. What products and techniques would you recommend to get a relaxed beach wave look.  Thank you! 🙂

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi @veronika23  I love that you let your hair air dry.  This is always one of my top recommendations. To get a relaxed beach wave look makesure you are getting the basics right of using a good shampoo and conditioner.  From my range it would be the Curl Products.  To get the look you’d like do section your hair into four and then braid each section or do two sections and put into pigtails.  The trick is to make sure that the braids are TIGHT and fully dry before you take them out so I’d suggest doing it the night before you want to achieve the look.  Sleep with a silk, satin or cotton scarf to protect your hair.  Sephora are selling a DEFINED CURL BOX in the Sephora favouites so there’s a little bit of something for you to use to take you through every step to achieve this look. 


Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

@VernonFrancois  thank you so much! I'm having a really hard time lately finding the right shampoo/conditioner/cleansing oil. Will give this a shot! Thanks!!! 🙂

Anonymous Insider

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi Vernon. I’ve got so many questions for you about myself but I’m going to use my chance to ask about my best friend who has a 7 year old daughter with the most beautiful kinky hair but my friend simply doesn’t manage it properly.  I think she’s afraid of not being able to handle the curls and it always results in an row!! What advice can I pass on to her??

Re: Live Chat with Vernon François

Hi @AnonymousSomething I’m very familiar with from my childhood!! I love working with parents and kids.  For a long time in London I ran an Academy at the weekends where parents came with their kids and I worked with them all to show that it’s easy and it’s fun.  First off the biggest challenge tended to be FEAR.  Remind your friend that she should remain confident and importantly HAVE A CONVERSATION with her daughter and they should go on the journey together.  Detangling doesn’t need to be painful…!  Fingers are the BEST tool to get the hair tangle free.  Use the palm of the hand as a base, gently massage the tangle (you can use any of the moisture sprays or one of the spray conditioners).  Patience and gentleness is the key.  Tell your friend never to do her daughters hair if she’s in a rush or a bad mood (this is always important when anyone is approaching their hair.  LOL.)  Last week I was in Sephora Lakeside and I met Tess and her daughter Keira who were figuring this particular challenge.  Here’s a photo of us after their consultation (I used the CURL Moisture Spray on both of them). 

Screen Shot 2017-07-10 at 12.05.57 PM.png


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