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help me get rid if these red pimples

ive tried everything from Glycolic acid and salicylic acid and acne cleansers and idk what else i should do please help mee!!!!


Re: help me get rid if these red pimples

@amckenzie6616  You should see a dermatologist or primary care doctor, if you can. Those bumps might not be pimples or any type of acne at all. Since none of us here on BIC are dermatologists or medical doctors, we can’t diagnose your skin and tell you exactly how to repair it. But a doctor can. Things we suggest could end up making your skin worse since we can’t identify the root cause of those bumps. 


Re: help me get rid if these red pimples

thank you!!

Re: help me get rid if these red pimples

@amckenzie6616 what's your current skincare routine? are you still using any of those products?

Re: help me get rid if these red pimples

yes i am still using these products along with tatcha skin cream salicylic acid 

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