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Uneven Skin Tone

Hello! I was hoping to gather some advice and products to help fix my uneven skin tone. The area around my mouth always appears slightly darker than my face, while the area on my cheeks and nose is always red. Don’t mind my face! I really am happy. Area around mouth is darker than my faceDon’t mind my face! I really am happy. Area around mouth is darker than my face

Re: Uneven Skin Tone

I had similar problems. CBD solved them very quickly. I have probably tried most of the cbd products Sephora sells. My favorite ones being Saint Jane Serum and Lord Jones moisturizer. The cbd is anti-inflammatory and the oil and moisturizer combo are super hydrating which soothes the inflamed spots. Hope this helps!

Uneven Skin Tone

I'd recommend using sunblock everyday. I'm really enjoying P:rems. Since I've been using them I've noticed such an improvement in my skin's clarity.

Re: Uneven Skin Tone

I can only tell you what has not worked out for me. Vitamin A serum at night, and after a few weeks, I changed to Good Genes in the morning. No luck, so I’m going to try Ren Evercalm, rec’d by a Sephora staffer.

Your skin is young, and the skin on your face looks good. So I think if you use something gentle (aka no retinol in it!) you should see results soon. Looks like you have a teeny bit of mild UV damage, so it should respond nicely. 

My mom used to tell me that “women with freckles have magic powers.” I believed her, and foolishly kept skipping the sunscreen til I started seeing the damage myself @ 25!

Re: Uneven Skin Tone

Thank you 🙂

RE: Uneven Skin Tone

This product was my saving grace to even out my uneven skin tone. I pair this with their toner from the blue bottle as well. It’s called Glow2OH. I started noticing big changes after two weeks.

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  • Don’t mind my face! I really am happy. Area around mouth is darker than my face