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New Skin Tone— Redness

Can anyone recommend a treatment for redness that is affordable? I have this new skin issue of redness and inflammation on the nose and chin. I don’t want to just use a green color concealer; I’d rather use a treatment that fixes the problem. I think the redness and swelling are caused by aging and/or sun damage. Thanks.

RE: New Skin Tone— Redness

To update anyone who’s interested, I tried to purchase Cicapair for my redness issue, but they were out of stock. Since I am not capable of waiting for ANY thing, I decided to order Kiehl’s Centella Sensitive Cica-Cream. A Sephora associate recommended it. I was glad to try Kiehl’s, since the tube is much larger than the Dr Jart, and cost about $20 less. But the best news is that Kiehl’s Centella Civa Cream worked so quickly. It’s creamy, smooth, and comforting from the first application. I used it twice a day for only 3 days, and the redness on and around my nose, and on my chin, was completely gone. Only three days! As a test, I stopped using it for a few days. On the 4th day, the redness had returned. So it’s not a permanent fix for redness and inflammation, and that’s a bummer. But it works better than I ever expected, and for about $30, I got a very large tube (1.7 fl. oz.) of treatment cream that easily handles the redness and swelling around my nose and on my chin. I’m very happy with this cream—you need only a tiny amount, and it doesn’t clog pores or cause breakouts on my face. Thank you all for the advice, and Long live Centella Asiatica!

oh that's great news @MamaBare27 happy to hear you found...

oh that's great news @MamaBare27 happy to hear you found something to work so quickly!

New Skin Tone— Redness

My favorite sunblock is by P:rem. I've tried a lot and it is by far the best. It's really helped my skin. The aging process has slowed and it looks bright and healthy. Good luck! Hope this helps!🦋

Re: New Skin Tone— Redness

@MamaBare27 I really like the Dr. Jart Cicapair line. I've tried the masks, serum and cream and they've all been really soothing when my skin is irritated. 

New Skin Tone— Redness

Ren ever calm anti redness serum @MamaBare27

Re: New Skin Tone— Redness

Thank you, dear. You’re the 2nd person to recommend Ever Calm to me. 🙂

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