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Allergic reaction to UD Naked Heat palette

I did my eye look with only colors from the UD naked heat palette last night for the first time and by the end of the night my eyes were red swollen and itchy and producing weird mucus secretions. Waking up this morning they are very swollen and red. I have a job interview tomorrow morning. Can anyone recommend any remedies to reduce the swelling before tomorrow? Has this happened to anyone else?

Re: Allergic reaction to UD Naked Heat palette

Late response but maybe it'll help in the future. I get a reaction like that from a lot of red/pink/purple shadows and liners because I'm allergic to Carmine. In a pinch I've been able to take an antihistamine, use eye drops specifically made for allergies, and put a cold compress on my eyes for 20 mins in the morning and this will take down the redness and swelling enough that I don't look like I have a raging pink eye infection. It still hurts though and probably isn't healthy with continued use, so I'd recommend not doing this often. I'm not a doctor though! 

Re: Allergic reaction to UD Naked Heat palette

@Breanne27 I have heard of this happening to other people, not just with this palette, but with any red-toned shadows. You may have a sensitivity to one of the pigments, so read the ingredients carefully. As for how to fix your reaction now, take an oral antihistamine, and put cooled, brewed black tea bags on your eyes as a compress. Repeat as necessary.

Re: Allergic reaction to UD Naked Heat palette

Hi @Breanne27


A similar question was asked in the "Everything Eyes" group.  Here's the thread:


Hope that helps.

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