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Post in Oily Skin

Oily/Acne prevention tips! Pillow cases

We all know that bacteria is the cause of acne. And I have a great tip today. 

With all that cleansing and treatments, sometimes we overlook something else in our environment: Pilow cases. 


Keep your pillow cases refreshed as frequently as possible. If washing/changing it everyday is impossible, use a clean towel to cover your pillows every night. 

Think about it, we use clean towels, change our clothes, and yes, we wash our hands and face numerous times a day, but, we also spend 6-8 hours a day sleeping. 


This change helped me and my two sons who are ages 17 amd 25. Ever since we start practicing fresh pillowcases, my older son pretty much cleared his acne, and prevented my younger son from ever having it like his me or his older brother. (Because he is just starting to have over production of oiliness) Let's be real, boys sometimes go without changing their pillowcases for weeks. (My sons do their own laundry...) 


We all still have occaasional breakouts, maybe in due to playing sports, hormornal change or touching our faces (another cause of transferring bacteria to skin), but acne is no longer an issue for us. My older son used to have prescriptions for his acne treatment but he now uses regular cleansing regiment. 


So, please, try it!  I hope this helps a lot. 

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