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Post in Oh, Canada!

Bite Beauty NOT CANADIAN ??

Has anyone else seen how Bite Beauty is now an American company??? When did that happen??? If you buy from the official website it’s now in USA Currency! I was thrilled to get my hands on the limited addition astrology set after it already sold out here but a bit upset that it was more expensive than I thought since it wasn’t advertised that it would be in USA Currency! (You can still pick it up there if anyone’s interested, still worth it!) and there are certain items they will not send “internationally” to Canada! I still love the company. But wow, people in the USA can get BITE Beauty that we here in Canada can’t!? I’m sad about that.

RE: Bite Beauty NOT CANADIAN ??

I noticed that a couple days ago when I tried to order off their website, there was something in the order that they wouldn’t ship to Canada. Not sure which item it was, I just ended up canceling my order. I do want to go to the Bite Lab in Toronto and make my own lipstick sometime though!!

Re: Bite Beauty NOT CANADIAN ??

Bite was bought in 2014 by Kendo, which is under LVMH who owns Sephora. Bite's flagship store is in New York.

Also on Bite's site it states (see the shipping info page) "all orders are shipped from the US and in USD", along with past holiday ship timeframes.


Based on that, doesn't seem like Bite has been Canadian since Langmuir sold it.


It's not unusual for brands to have specific products in one country and not the other, not just beauty either.

Bite Beauty NOT CANADIAN ??

Well that sucks! I always loved promoting it as Canadian.

Re: Bite Beauty NOT CANADIAN ??

@IFWWW You can still say it originated in Canada until it was bought by Kendo 😉

I still believe the Toronto location is actually the Flagship location unless that changed in the last few months @TrysBeautyItems 

Re: Bite Beauty NOT CANADIAN ??

It did start in Canada not doubt 🙂

From what I read it's New York, and Bite's site shows NY established in 2013, Toronto 2016. Toronto could be the flagship ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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