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Lips & Beards

Hey there -

Got an interesting one for ya:


Lip treatments (sticks, stains, gloss, etc) that do not stain a beard...?

Oh, and ones that still last and last and last...! LOL
(I know, can not have everything)

I do have one non-Sephora-sold brand with a glossy finish that seems to work, but would like a few more options if anyone has run across any.

I will keep testing tho, so if this question comes up again.
Probably a strange one anyway.


Re: Lips & Beards

Hey, looks like MAC Cosmetics Locked Kiss Lipstick is a winner.
Going to keep trying others.
Not sure if I should post a list of the ones I have tried and their 'staying power', because I do not think there are many other people out there with big bushy moustaches & beards who wear lipstick...? 

Re: Lips & Beards

You’re more than welcome to post what does and doesn’t work for you. I’m sure someone will benefit from this info someday @AhZoh!


And I’m glad you found something that finally works for you!

Re: Lips & Beards

@AhZoh Good for you for wanting it all! I shave my facial hair regularly and it’s never grown out long enough to reach my lips. Do you find your facial hair gets in the way as you apply your lip products or is it more like it transfers throughout the day?


Have you tried a lip tint? You could blot the excess and layer a clear lip balm on top. At least your facial hair would just be swiping at clear balm instead of something with pigment in it. I’ve been alternating between Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Soft Pinch Tinted Lip Oil and Peripera Ink Velvet but there’s plenty of other options. I find lip tints last most of the day without too much transfer. I have dry lips, so I tend to apply lip balm regularly. 

Re: Lips & Beards

Hi @JoSometimes - thank you for the response.

Quite the prolific poster here, eh?  🙂
Adore your input, but was hoping for someone with experience.

I chatted with a MUA who, when they worked at a store, got the question and knew a few, but I was unable to bug them about brands/products they knew would not stain.  I just know some people have the experience & info!  I just know it.   😉


Re: Lips & Beards

@AhZoh I just sent you a message and then remembered this thread. There are a few pro MUA’s on there that might be able to help. Ask a Beauty Expert

Re: Lips & Beards

Thank you @JoSometimes .
I know it is a strange question to ask because out of all the guys I have seen who I believe to wear makeup, few have beards and even fewer are old enough to have grey beards.

Perhaps guys with beards who wear makeup dye their beards?

I am no exception, although mine is dyed pale blue. 😉

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