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Post in Lip Lovers

YSL Volupte Tint-in-Balm: worth it? dupes?

Hi all, 

So I'm starting to compile my wish list for the Spring sale, and the YSL tint-in-balm is one of the things I'm thinking of picking up. I got a sample of it a few weeks ago and really liked it, but it is pretty pricey for a tinted balm. The thing is, it's so hard to find good balms that don't dry out lips like 15 minutes later, and the oil formula of this one really helps with that. I'm just wondering if that's unique to this and therefore worth spending $34, or if there are any tinted lip balms out there at a lower price point that are good "dupes" for this one. (Looking for a tube, not a tin or pot). Thanks!! 

Re: YSL Volupte Tint-in-Balm: worth it? dupes?

Hi @mmck07!


I really love the YSL ones too. Have you tried the fresh lip treatments? I think there is less color saturation with the Fresh ones and I much prefer the mango flavor of the YSL ones over the citrus of the Fresh ones. But, they’re great tinted balms, and a more reasonable price.

Re: YSL Volupte Tint-in-Balm: worth it? dupes?

Thanks! I have tried the Fresh ones, and I do like them, but I feel the same way you do. The Fresh lip balms have a different payoff, and I also prefer the taste of the YSL. 🙂 

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