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Extraordinary Rewards Experience

Hi Everyone,


We wanted to take a moment to let you know that we are hearing your feedback regarding today’s Extraordinary Rewards experience. If we haven’t been able to respond to you personally yet, please know that we have read your feedback and definitely understand your frustration. The rewards sold out much quicker than we anticipated, so we were unable to send out the planned email or post to our social channels. We’re sorry if you missed out on these exciting rewards. The response has been overwhelming and we are happy to announce that there will be more extraordinary rewards coming this year.


If you have specific questions or need assistance, please PM a moderator for help. We appreciate your understanding and value the helpful feedback you’ve provided here on BeautyTalk.


Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

Let's make it even easier for them shall we 😉


BT = Free focus group = listen and make customers happy = more business = more money

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

I love how she emphasis "success". Success..ha! ha! Success my as*!

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

Another thing I forgot toention when I called CS at 6 am PST and ask whatever happens to rewards the CS rep put me on a brief hold and then said she can clearly see on her system that rewards are not yet released and people who said they redeem are providing false info. When I said two 1000 pt rewards are still available she said you will not succeed to place order for them because those are not going to be released until 9am PST and an email is going out before 9 to provide you detailed info. She said there is no way possible any reward could be ordered before 9 am. Now what you'll call it? Was she deliberately making me a fool or Sephora system is such a failure that even CS reps sitting in office can't pull out correct info? And you say it is success.

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

Ugh yeah.... and calling customers liars and "hackers" is just beyond horrible!

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

I heard quite a few ladies experienced the same thing. There has clearly been a miscommunication within the company, which is a no no for large organizations especially during events... Amateur mistakes after mistakes, can't believe Sephora is owned by LV right now. 

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience


Exactly she was so sure that she asked my email and then said oh whao you have lots of points saved, Hope you'll get your desired rewards with so many points, just don't worry and login to your account at sharp 9 am PST 😞  It is not just annoying but humiliating. Someone else posted on FB that she was told maybe some hackers were able to sneak out few rewards before formal release......That is just too much.

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

I'm a codemonkey. And I'm slightly insulted that this is what Sephora CS thinks a "hacker" does. And very appalled at how little they understand technology/eCommerce.


Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

And making this statement they didn't realize what a huge issue of privacy and security is created when a website can so easily be hacked by multiple hackers

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

Wow...just wow... I have no words for this idiocy.  

Anonymous Insider

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

I feel like I've been part of a massive bait and switch. Only there wasn't even a switch. Just a hook. The solo email I recieved, was a week or so ago hinting that something great was coming. Hurry up and buy to rack up those points. We have incredible things for you to use those points on! Obviously many of us weren't even notified that the event happened (at midnite or some other horrible time it turns out). This whole ordeal reminds me of trying to cash in my frequent flyer miles. I have them, just can't seem to be able to do anything worthwhile with them!

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

Here is a list of my lovely lovely complaints:


1) Why in the world did you exclude Canadian customers from these perks for the first 1 hour or so? These kind of events are highly sought after and glitches are just not good enough of an excuse for a large company like Sephora! Maybe actually hire a COMPETENT IT team to troubleshoot and fix your **bleep** website, not just in these perks and events, but also in points, so we don't have to keep on calling CS to fix our online orders!


2) The release time was horrible, practically 4am EST and 1am PST, with no email notification beforehand. I personally stayed up until 3am EST and was able to afford doing that due to being a student in summer vacation. What about all the ladies who actually have to work? They are earning money to spend at Sephora and they can't afford to stay up so late! 


3) Notify us of the release BEFORE the actual release!! I never received an email until about 7 hours after the release and if it's not for the amazing ladies on BT, I would have never knew about it before! I was chatting with some ladies on Facebook and they are all Rouges, but they don't participate on BT. They had no idea about these perks at all. The organization and notifications of this event has just been horrible!


All in all, I'm really displeased with Sephora. I will definitely be taking my business elsewhere even though my choices are really limited as a Canadian. I just cannot stand going through another one of these terrible events that is poorly organized and excludes Canadians. I will definitely stay active on BT and I hope the other ladies do the same since I love this community, but otherwise...goodbye Sephora. 


(*Did I mention your post really pisses me off? You only address the point of the rewards selling out quickly and none of the other MAJOR issues. Rewards selling out quickly should really be the least of your concern about this event*)

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

Well said!

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

MAJOR screwup... This was worse than bad. Why be rouge!??? Simply not worth it. Every time I go to the store everyone talks about how awesome their CEO is.. Well if you really are you better do some major damage repair.  Ulta with their 20%off while you did 15... You get money for your points.. So much better! I only will buy at sephora what I absolutely cannot get anywhere else.

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

So Sephora was planning on having the rewards go live after midnight and THEN send out the emails? And that makes what kind of f*cking sense?! They are out of their minds or just totally incompetent at their jobs if they honestly think that nobody was chomping at the bit for these rewards. Furthermore, to act as though the pre-planned Summer Mega Surge is some sort of consolation prize is absolute crap. What do they take us for? A bunch of fools?! 

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

If I remember correctly, someone posted that Monday night a CS agent told her "good luck tonight" after she asked about the release. If that's true, it seems the late night release was done on purpose. No glitch.

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

I did too, that's why I checked in at 3am.


when I saw nothing I went back to sleep and when I woke again at 5 my email had blown up from all the complaints about cdn being unable to check out.

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

I also remember reading the "good luck tonight" comment. Pretty incriminating.  

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

Yeah I read that too.... This morning. lol not so lol

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

Screenshot:Screenshot 2015-05-05 at 9.47.38 PM.png

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

That comment encouraged me to stay up.

Re: Extraordinary Rewards Experience

Me too, hearts, for a little while. I even set an alarm for 3am my time just to check if they updated at 12am PST. When I saw nothing, I went to back to sleep. I have to get up at 6am on weekdays for work, so I happened to check when I woke up, and lo and behold......


If the release time wasn't an accident, I feel betrayed. There's no better word I can muster.

6 Replies