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Post in Customer Support

missing package

Don't shop at Sephora online if you see this post, they don't give you a refund even if you have never received your package. This time, I spent $500+ on my order, but I didn't get my package and I paid $500+ for nothing now, they said because they issued me before, so they won't do it again. That's how Sephora treats customers and doesn't care about us. I never received my package from Sephora, I later bought it in-store last time since the online shopping was unsuccessful, and it cost me gas and time. This time, that was $500+, I thought last time was unlucky, and this time wouldn't happen again, but I was wrong, I trusted Sephora. My money has gone and paid for the package that I didn't receive! Why is an order of $500+ not required for the customer's signature, just don't take this risk to order products with Sephora online.

Re: missing package

still has no solutions either from Sephora or the delivery company after more than a week

Re: missing package

Stilling not replying me:(

Re: missing package

When will I get the $500+ back that I never received for my package

Re: missing package

still have not heard back from them...

Re: missing package

please, let this post get more views, I just want people to know the truth about Sephora

Re: missing package

this is not a trusted merchant!!! I really can't trust it again, just made me frustrated.........

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