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VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

-What is the V.I.B. Holiday Shopping Event?

V.I.B. Holiday Shopping Event is a Very Important Beauty Insiders promotion offering clients 20% off all purchases from November 11-14th.  To kickoff the VIB Holiday Shopping Event, Very Important Beauty Insiders can attend the Opening Night event at their local store on 11/10 from 6-9pm.


-What will be offered at the Opening Night event?

V.I.B’s will receive the below benefits at the event from 6-9pm:

  • 20% off for VIB’s and a friend
  • FREE  SEPHORA tote to take their purchases home in
  • GREEN & BLACK’S Organic Chocolate
  • Preview the new Holiday Looks at the Beauty Studio

V.I.B.’s will receive an email inviting them to the event on 11/8.  If you are a V.I.B. and have not received the email by 11/8 please log into the V.I.B. only section on Beauty Talk and print the invite here:


- What does the tote look like?
The tote is a sleek, black nylon Sephora tote.  The tote is only available for V.I.B. clients at the November 10th event and can only be redeemed once per client. 

- Is the discount available at Sephora inside jcpenney stores?
The 20% off discount can be redeemed but the event (including tote) will not be available at Sephora inside jcpenney stores.


- Is the discount available with Canadian orders?
The 20% off discount is available in US and Canada stores but it not available with Canadian checkout online.


- Can I redeem the 20% off offer more than once?
The offer can be redeemed multiple times until November 14th


-Are there any exclusions to the offer?

The offer is not valid on purchases of Gift Cards or eGift Certificates, towards previous purchases and may not be combined with any other offers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
- What is VIB?
V.I.B. (Very Important Beauty Insider) is the premium level for Beauty Insiders.  Spend $350 at a Sephora store, on or in a sephora inside jcpenney location in a calendar year (January – December) and you automatically earn V.I.B. status for that year and the next.  Learn more about the V.I.B. program at any Sephora store or online at

Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

Why didn't we recieve the tote bag that was in the invitation? Also, I heard that people got a bag inside their tote with lots of cool samples, I didn't get anything in my tote bag and didn't get any samples at all, I also wasn't even offered to redeem my vib points for anything. Why? I've noticed that my Sephora in Santa Barbara doesn't do what the other ones do 😞

Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

Hi jaymoo,


I'm so sorry to hear! During production of the VIB Holiday bags we discovered that the bags were less than perfect and we definitely did not want to give our special VIB clients a sub par product! Many of our stores did have the substitution bag and although some stores filled theirs with samples, others did not. We'll gladly forward your feedback to the appropriate department and I'll be happy to send you a private message with some more information to help. Thank you for sharing your concern! 🙂

Luv&Lipgloss, Diana

Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

How do I redeem my VIB 20% discount online?

Aaah!  HELP!

Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

Hi everyone!


I think the online code for the VIB sale is VIBDREAM! Happy shopping, I know I am! 🙂

Anonymous Insider

Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ



The tote described in your post is tote I was looking forward to receiving but instead they gave a smallish plastic bag at the event.  Did different stores offer different totes and how do I get the one pictured in the email?


Thank you,


Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

I am planning on going to the event in Chicago, are all sephora stores here having the event? and how do I find out if the hours are the same? I can't find this information....



Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

Hi maddieanne. All free-standing Sephora stores will host the VIB event tonight, Nov. 10th, from 6-9pm. Sephora stores inside JCPenney won't be participating in the event, but they will be honoring the 20% discount all weekend, starting today. Happy shopping! Smiley Happy


Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

Is the Canadian event at the same time? If so can I use the same coupon (I didn't receive the emailed coupon)

Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

How many tote bags are given out? I won't be able to get to the event till 8pm, would there be any left for me? Also, does the friend I bring along also get one?


Thanks and super excited for tonight!

Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

@Mtiny  Supplies are limited.  I would recommend giving the store a call for more information. For a list of store numbers and locations nearest you, visit the Store Locator

Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ



I lost my invite to the VIB event today and when I go to print it off of here it tells me access denied. Can I just go in to Sephora with out it ? Can they check my beauty insider card to verify? I definitely do not want to miss out on the tote bag..




Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

does the sephora tote contain anything?

Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

I think its extremely unfair the limits that are put on cities without a free standing Sephora. I am a VIB member and I spent a lot of my hard earned cash to get there but I live in a city that only has a Sephora inside a JcPenney. It's so unfair that my Sephora is not having this event and I won't be able to receive the special gifts that other VIB's receive because I don't live in a city with a free standing Sephora. 


When I was trying to become a VIB member I was not aware that I would not receive the same benefits as other VIB members. If I would have known this then I would've went straight to the companies to purchase my makeup.




Angry VIB Member 

Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

I agree, I also live in a city where I only have a Sephora inside a JC Pennys. The clostest free standing Sephora store is 2 hours away, and with an event that is so late in the day, even if I wanted to drive that far away (a 4 hour drive both ways) I wouldnt get home till closer to 11pm! That is just not plausable when I am a college student with classes the next morning. Its a bummer that I cannot recieve the same benefits as a VIB who lives near a freestanding store, especially when I have a rediculous amount of points (over 900, after using 500 for a perk). I wish there were ways for costumers like us to recieve comparable rewards as all other VIBs do. Sephora should definitely work on there system of benefits for all their loyal costumers, or they will be losing the business of their highest spenders!

Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

Do I have to bring a card or anything? I just qualified for VIB and got the invitation in the mail, but was curious about the actual logistics as far as what I need to do on my end. Thanks! 

Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

@ Aevalsidhe,


I would suggest bringing the invitation that was sent to you and your V.I.B card. I hope this helps!

❤️ Melissa

Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

I am so excited! I don't have a V.I.B. card, only my B.I. card. I did receive the email. Do you all give V.I.B.'s different card's from the standard B.I. card?

Anonymous Insider

Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

Sorry for any confusion ladys84.  You will not be issued a new card once you become a VIB. Simply keep your Beauty Insider card and/or registered e-mail address and when any Cast Member or Beauty Advisor looks up your account they will know whether you are a VIB or not.  I hope that clears things up. Smiley Wink





Anonymous Insider

Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

I didn't receive anything! nothing in the mail and nothing in e-mail..they always give it to me when i go there in person..anyone to confirm?

Re: VIB November 2011 Shopping Event FAQ

Hi ladies, 


We appreciate all of the feedback. I'm so sorry that the Sephora inside JcPenney locations will not be partaking in the special VIB event, but please know that you are more than welcome to use the VIB offer online as many times as you would like.


In response to a few other posts, the tote bag for the event will not contain any items but is a special free gift for our VIB's who shop during the event. If you have not received the VIB mailer or the VIB e-mail, please make sure that you are subscribed to receive the notification e-mails by updating the e-mail settings on your account when you log into You may also call us at 1-877-SEPHORA and press option 2 to speak with a representative who can gladly do so for you. 


If you are a VIB and have not received the e-mail or mailer you are welcome to visit this VIB post by clicking here which contains the printout offer that is for our VIB client's only. Please feel free to contact us again if you have any questions or concerns! 🙂

Luv&Lipgloss, Diana
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