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Gift card not activated

I got a giftcard from my sister in law for Christmas for $40. I went to use it and when I went to pay for my items, the cashier said it was not activated. I wasn't about to go back to my sister in law because I just feel like that is super rude to do, so I was about to toss it. I put it back into my purse until one day I was cleaning out my purse and I called the number on the back. I gave them the number and they said it did, in fact,  have $40 on it- however the transaction must have timed out. They said they couldn't do anything on their end and I asked if the stores could do anything if I go in and have them call the number. They said I could try that. I went in and the cashier called for me and they told her the exact same thing. There was $40 on it, but it was in active and the store had to activate it. The cashier was very nice, but she couldn't activate it because they couldn't prove it came from their store, which I understand. The manager basically made it sound like my sister in law pulled something shady and thats why it didn't activate (which was pretty rude and uncalled for if you ask me) I'm pretty frustrated that corporate can see that there is money on a card I got AS A GIFT and "can't do anything about it." My sister in law paid for it and sephora got their money. 

Re: Gift card not activated

I had a similar issue. I recieved a gift card from my father in law, so I went to check the balance online and it says the card had not been activated.  Other people in this chat have said the customer service was not helpful. Anyone had any luck with a resolution?

Re: Gift card not activated

We just had this happen today wherein a gift card purchased for my daughter from Safeway was not accepted (we were told it was inactive) and the Berkeley 4Th Street store. My daughter was quite embarrassed and although I can see the transaction on my bank account record. I did not keep the receipt as this has never happened to me before and I have often bought Sephora gift cards for other teenagers as a gift. I can imagine that it would be uncomfortable to inform a gift giver of the card error. Sephora, what options do we have?

Re: Gift card not activated

Hi @amaymay12 sorry to hear about this. I'll send you a PM. 

Re: Gift card not activated

Hi @lindso30


Oh no! I'll send you a PM.



Re: Gift card not activated

Hi @rbaker7664,


I'm sorry to hear this! Thank you for taking the time to share this feedback. I'll send you a message shortly.


Warm regards,


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