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Anonymous Insider

Adult Acne.. HELP!

hello Beauties!


Come one come all to assist me in this face of mine! All my life I never really had to deal with acne or acne scars! However in the last months , maybe since May/June of this year I’ve become very acne prone and have so many acne scars! I have little Whitehead bumps that are appearing more frequently  (outside of the menstrual ) and these acne scars are taking over my cheeks!


i feel like like everything I have has caused more bumps and no real difference with the acne scars?


please help? And I would like to use all natural ingredients 😬

RE: Adult Acne.. HELP!

stop using all oils. stick to water based lotions/cleansers and ZERO OIL! clay mask to help reduce clogged pores 🖤

Adult Acne.. HELP!

Hi @Anonymous. Setting aside hormonal acne, if this is possibly fungal acne (e.g. rash-looking, tiny bumps that never come to a head), shea butter is likely to exacerbate it. FA yeast feed on it. You could try dropping the shea and seeing if you improve. If it does seem to be fungal, reading up on FA would help understand what to avoid!

Re: Adult Acne.. HELP!


Sunday Riley is "mostly natural" ingredients. I would highly recommend Sunday Riley U.F.O. Ultra-Clarifying Acne Treatment Face Oil  this oil is like magic. I purchased SUNDAY RILEY Space Race Fight Acne, Oil + Pores at Warp Speed Kit (U.F.O. oil, Martian Mattifying Melting Water-Gel Toner, Martian Mattifying Melting Water-Gel Toner, Saturn Sulfur Acne Treatment Mask) for my son after he had given up on Rx treatments and nothing OTC at drugs store helped, nor did his nutritionist. He saw improvement within days and significant improvement within a week. The Martian Toner works wonders without drying and this miracle oil clears skin without drying out or being greasy, the mask is an amplifier (although I would be cautious of sleeping in because it could get in eyes - ouch). I have a UFO for myself as well and it helps with red skin - I have Lupus and no more rash (off Rx) just using UFO. My rheumatologist was sincerely impressed when I told him what stopped my Lupus rash. I really hope you find a product that works as well for you as this has for my son and myself.


Re: Adult Acne.. HELP!

What products are you currently using, @Anonymous? Also what's your skin type?

Anonymous Insider

Re: Adult Acne.. HELP!

I really don’t have a set products I use because I’m really becoming desperate and buying all things! 

However I have been using glycolic acid 7% toner, neutrogena oil free acne wash (with salt iliac acid), African black soap, vitamin c serum , blackberry and açaí facial scrub, neutrogena hydro boost mask with hyaluronic acid, and Shea butter !


i have combo skin! And it has recently become acne prone. I guess

Re: Adult Acne.. HELP!

Sorry for 2nd post but my son uses SheaMoisture's Shea Butter infused African Black Soap prior to Sunday Riley and they work really well together. Also have you tried Jack Black? It is a "men's product" but who cares? The Jack Black Deep Dive Glycolic Facial Cleanser is amazing and it has natural clay, volcanic ash, green tea and also really helps calm acne and inflamed skin.

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