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Post in Best Hair Ever

What hair brush to use for long hair?

Any recommendations for a brush that would detangle my color-treated long hair and give them some shine as well? Even though I use conditioner on my hair every time I wash it, it gets very tangled. For couple of years I've been using Tangle Teezer brush and noticed that it ripped a lot of my hair off and even broke it. What do you guys use to detangle your long hair? Thanks!

RE: What hair brush to use for long hair?

I would give the wet brush a try! I get mine for less than $20. It's made specifically for long wet hair so there's not as much breakage. Also you should try a leave in conditioner before you brush your hair - I really like surface brand. Hope this helps!

Re: What hair brush to use for long hair?



I have pretty long hair and I always use Boar hair bristle brushes.  I have used some that are not very expensive at all (get them at drugstore or Ulta).


If you would like to indulge, I do recommend a Mason Pearson brush.  I have owned two in the many years.  They are an investment, something that would last you for years.  It does pay for itself.

Re: What hair brush to use for long hair?

greenchilli wrote:



I have pretty long hair and I always use Boar hair bristle brushes.  I have used some that are not very expensive at all (get them at drugstore or Ulta).


If you would like to indulge, I do recommend a Mason Pearson brush.  I have owned two in the many years.  They are an investment, something that would last you for years.  It does pay for itself.

Ok thanks I'll try a boar bristle brush... was thinking to get the one that Sephora has from Christophe Robinson...

Re: What hair brush to use for long hair?

Get a Mason Pearson hairbrush! They are the absolute best. I've had mine for years and I still love it. It's pricey but it's sooo worth it. The bristles aren't plastic so it makes your hair so soft and silky and detangles quickly and easily. 

RE: Re: What hair brush to use for long hair?

Thank you

I use a Goody Clean Radiance to detangle/before shower. I...

I use a Goody Clean Radiance to detangle/before shower. I use a Wet brush after, and I use the Christophe boars hair brush daily.

Re: What hair brush to use for long hair?

I really like Michael Mercier Professional Detangling Hair Brush. You can buy it at the drugstore (I bought mine at Walgreens) but I swear it is the best in my opinion. Hoped this helped!

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