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Post in Best Hair Ever

HELP!!! My hair is turning brown!?!?!!

I need help to get my hair really blond again can anyone help meee!?!?

Re: HELP!!! My hair is turning brown!?!?!!

@l1nley if you want your hair to be healthy have your hair professionally colored.  Don't do it yourself. And use products that are meant for colored treated hair.

Re: HELP!!! My hair is turning brown!?!?!!

Hey! Most people who have light hair when they are younger end up having darker hair when they’re older. This is completely normal and my hair did the same thing! When I was little I had light golden brown hair. As I got older it got darker and by the time I reached my teens it got to be a medium brown. I wished my hair was lighter for a long time but then I got used to it and I realized that true brown hair is beautiful. So remember that your old hair color is beautiful, and your new hair color is equally beautiful. If you do want to lighten your hair a little, I’ve used sunin and it works really well for my hair.  I think it’s fun to have lighter hair during summer. It just lightens a little bit at a time. Lightening your hair in any way will damage it a little so keep that in mind. Also depending on how dark your hair is and how it lifts it can possibly turn orange. I haven’t had this experience but I’ve heard of it happening. Just remember that no matter what, your hair is beautiful, and how you look is such a tiny part of life so don’t worry too much about it and remember to have fun!

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