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Post in Best Hair Ever

Beware the Hair

Hello! I have PCOS which causes excess hair growth in unwanted for example my face. I am a dirty blond and I have excess hair on the sides of my face and chin. I am looking for a facial razor, wax, really anything to remove it. I’m only worried about hair growing back thicker and darker..any suggestions?


RE: Beware the Hair

My good friend has the same issue and she’s tried a million things and what works best for her is laser, it’s pricey but it works and slows the hair growth down so it will stop growing back as much. She also uses Finishing touch Flawless it’s a new hair removal product that removes the hair from the root.

Anonymous Insider

RE: Beware the Hair

I use the pink tweezerman hair removal tool and it works really well. It does hurt a bit but you get used to it. I actually kinda like doing it now.

Re: Beware the Hair

@Sadieannmartin You may like this, I just shared it with someone else earlier with similar concerns.



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