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Post in Beauty Confidential

Community Relaunch Tonight

Hi BeautyTalkers!


It’s time! The changes that we’ve been talking about are going down TONIGHT. What changes, do you ask? Come tomorrow, our community will have a whole new look!


Because we’re all holding hands, we want to make sure we keep you in the loop on our plan.


Tonight from 7-7:30 pm PST the community will be down! At 7:30 pm it will appear to be back up and you will be able to see some of the changes we’ve been talking about.


From 7:30 pm through (roughly) 8 am PST tomorrow, we will be making a ton of crazy changes. During this time we advise you to please refrain from posting in the community so your contributions are not lost. If you do post during this time, we cannot guarantee that your content will make it to the new community as we are deconstructing the categories and migrating all of the content. You’re welcome to hang out and watch, but it won’t be pretty. 🙂


Once it’s up in the morning, please note that this is a BETA launch, so we’ll still be working out the kinks. As soon as we are live tomorrow morning, we will open a new thread to for you guys to report anything you see that’s wonky, or ask any questions about the new experience.  


See you on the other side, we hope you love it!
The Sephora Community Team

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

Tag me as well!

We're also missing the Mermaids & Unicorns thread. 😞

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

Yeah. I have no clue what I am doing, LOL. 


This doesn't work on Chrome. I hope that is fixed. I am trying to find places I posted and am confused. TY for the challenge Sephora!  Oh I am on a lap top and not mobile and maybe that is why? 

Hmm, I hope this posts right. 😉

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

I'm having issues finding threads; I couldn't find the daily skincare thread (@greenchilli) started it. And I couldn't find the Natural Skincare thread- although I saw it last night I thought. Is the migration over? @KatieBT

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

@mrsbaine I wondered in another thread whether it's because the authors of the missing threads haven't accepted the new community Terms of Service...and once they do, their threads will reappear?

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

k617 wrote:

@mrsbaine I wondered in another thread whether it's because the authors of the missing threads haven't accepted the new community Terms of Service...and once they do, their threads will reappear?

Maybe!  I reached out to @greenchilli to ask her if she could bump it. She would be able to find it in her profile. Fingers crossed! 

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

This happened when viewing this thread.  Windows 10, Firefox, PC.



Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

Try cleaning your browser history/cache for sephora.  May help with loading issues

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

I dunno, @SydBristow that looks super interactive! The pictures become part of the narrative, so modern, so confusing, so chic!

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

@NotCrocker that made me LOL 😄

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

Plz erryone change ur avi i dun no who you are. 




Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

I changed my avatar back but it only captured one small little part of it.  😞  Not sure what happened, it looked fine on upload.

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

So much newness to adapt to! Does anyone know how I can view replies to a post under the original post (like the old BT)? I'm seeing replies above the original post, and it's throwing me off u_u

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

Anybody wondering about the new 'Rookie' status and the three bars next to it? Here we go again scratching our heads about the secret science and the algorithm behind these ranks. 😂

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

This will definitely take some getting used to. I'm trying to explore and understand my (our) new sorroundings.

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

@veronika23 @ZombieMetroAnt I can't reply back to you ladies after you reply to me lol. 


Zombie - Yes that avi says it all

V- I did not need to fill out the profile to upload an image after signing tos. Infact I went back and I see the skin and hair concerns show as private info but I still deselected my previous selections. Also through the GEAR under the bell, I found my actual name in profile which I removed and updated and proceeded to add back my avatar from my personal gallery. Not sure if the name is connected to my purchasing account so I will go see if it has removed there as well and play with that. Just fyi. 


Also I realised I got all emails and bell notifications of this thread after my first post even though I am not subbed I simply opted to "never" to all replies and groups and "immediately" for any @ me mentioned in preferences. I am hoping this cuts down on bajillion emails?

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

Thanks @Anewxa.  Yeah the thing about the name worried me a long time ago so I changed it while we were under the old format. Ok I thought the avi's were being migrated too... guess I'll have to add mine again. Thx!


I have the same preferences in notifications.  I was getting way too much emails lol

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

@KatieBT Are you guys working on an user guide? I don't mind change but a user guide will be very helpful. Imagine complete newcomers. They wouldn't even know where to begin. 

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

@ohheyitscindykI cant reply directly to your post but thank you I keep trying so this is the best I can do for now until the site is fully ready!  haha

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

@sierrafallonif you click on the bell symbol and then the gear on the bottom left you will see notification settings and there is a place where you can check and uncheck automatically subscribe for emails in threads you post in.  Hope that helps 😄


Edit: @veronika23 Just saw you posted the same thing but better instructions lol 😄

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

is this real life?!?


Looks nice... definitely need to adjust to this, though!

Re: Community Relaunch Tonight

It seems to me that the legacy threads are archived in some weird way and the new groups are replacements for sub-forums (e.g. acne, or off-topic). 


When I look at the group for "savvy shoppers" in which I would expect to see the "deals too good to be passed up" thread, there is only one post there and it's a new one.


I'm trying to wait for the dust to settle but I'm not that patient!
