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Post in Acne-Prone Skin

Peace Out Dots -- Contaminated?

Has anyone else noticed little black and red specks in the Peace Out acne dots lately? I've used Peace Out dots for years and they never had specks before. I looked online and it says the discolored specks are a sign of salacylic acid production issues or contamination. Surprised that no one else seems to be posting about this. Any product manufacturer updates?

Re: Peace Out Dots -- Contaminated?

I just googled a combo of your title/description and your post was the only close answer I could find to my question/concern. I’ve been buying these dots consistently for a couple years - they work better than great but today I picked up a new box in store with an expiration date of 9/25 and the dots were sticking to the inside of package and every single one has colored specs. I’ve never, ever had an issue with sticky packaging or any discoloration on dots. 
I’ve got an angry and painful pimple so I’m gonna use it anyways but wanted to respond here to see if you can tell me what you ended up doing with yours or if you found anything else out after posting this? Would love to hear your follow up. Thanks for sharing 

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