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Let's Talk About NARS!

A lot of the other big beauty brands have their own threads now, so I thought, why not NARS? Let's share news about new collections, feedback on products, etc here.


The audacious thread:


SPRING 2019:








Have you picked up anything from the collection so far? Do tell!





Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

Anytime, girl 😉


Gaiety is really light pink.  I would say in terms of pinkness, it is the palest, Angelika is in the middle, and Desire is the most 'bubblegum' pink.

Anonymous Insider

Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

Can someone with shadow stick experience give me some feedback on these? I love my caviar sticks and bb sticks, how do these compare? 

Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

Have you checked out tempatlia's review of them yet? She gave them poor ratings. Some of the colors are really gorgeous - it's a shame the formula seems to be lacking. I was really looking forward to these because I love NARS and adore my LM and BB sticks, but I doubt I'll purchase these and certainly wouldn't do it before swatching them myself.

Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

Nars opened a store at Garden State Plaza in Paramus, New Jersey. If my husband was not with me I probably would have done some major damage there. All forty colors of the Audacious lipsticks were in stock.

Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

Nars has stores?? *crosses the border without looking back*

Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

I know, right?  We can dream to90, we can dream.

Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

LOL I wonder if the collections in the Nars stores rival yours, Mocha 😉

Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

Nars was my makeup obsession when I started getting into makeup since so many people had HG products from them. I have 2 cult favourites, but one didn't work for me and the other wasn't as outstanding as people made it. I want to love the one product, so hopefully you gals can help.


Radiant Creamy Concealer, the HG of HG concealers. Everyone raves about it, but none of the colours match me and it creases so badly underneath my eyes. I have Custard, which is pretty much a foundation colour for me that leans a bit too yellow. I do have warm undertones, but recently SAs have been telling me I'm neutral to warm. If I tried to use just this concealer, it's too yellow and when I try to mix it with a better suited concealer, it looks extremely thick and dry.


Orgasm blush actually works beautifully for me, and I'm tempted to get a couple more blushes from Nars in my life. I just need to single them out since they are quite expensive for blush, and the formula isn't extraordinary in my opinion. Any suggestions would be great, I have light neutral-warm skin


I would love input on the Audacious lipsticks. They are extremely expensive, so I want one everyday colour, possibly Anita?

Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

I'm with you on being disappointed on the RCC shade selection. Vanilla looks a little off (grayish?) under my eyes and Chantilly is so light! However that's the color I'm using because I know I will just get more pale in the winter and I've been diligently using sunscreen so I didn't get much color this summer. Custard would be my closest foundation color, but I like my under eye concealer a little lighter than my foundation.


The blushes really depend on what you're looking for. My favorites right now are sex appeal, douceur, madly, and sin. Taj Mahal is next on my list.


For the audacious lipsticks I think Anita or Vanessa are your best bet for an everyday color. They are my lip but better shades on me. Anna is nice but probably too purple for an everyday color. I bought Anita when they were first released and I just had Vanessa delivered today, despite every blog saying you don't need both. They are extremely close in color! I'm with you on bridgette being too bright pink - I thought it would be a nice spring color but I never wear it. The next color I purchase will be Jane because it seems to be flattering on a lot of people.


Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

I have been going back and forth on trying out the RCC. Chantilly is too light for me, Vanilla is too pink, and until recently I would have said that Custard and Honey are too dark... but then I got a concealer from Ipsy that should also be too dark for me (allegedly it's for medium skin tones), and surprisingly it works really well on my dark circles. I think the extra pigment color corrects on the purple/blue so it doesn't end up looking too dark or orange? Anyway, I'm thinking about trying Custard out, but my biggest concern is creasing, so if it's hard to work with I may go with something else. I'm thinking either Tarte Creaseless Marajuca, or the new UD one in Light Warm, which I think would probably be a perfect color match.


I am also looking to add some more blushes to my line-up, namely a neutral and a red. I've been going back and forth between NARS and UD here too; UD Video vs... idk even with NARS for a nude, but I'm sure I could find something. For a red, I'm on the fence between Exhibit A and UD Bang or Quiver. One of my motivations here is that I can order UD from Ulta, and if I time that with a point multiplier special I could end up with 2k points and treat myself to $125 of freebies... but Exhibit A looks so gorgeous. 😞 #epicfirstworldproblems

Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

Jaza, not sure if you've already answered your own question, but I have the RCC in Custard and it creases badly on me. Tarte Creaseless has been my go-to concealer for years, but I heard so many raves about RCC that I had to try it. I have oily skin too, but man, that RCC looks awful on me. Back to Tarte I went. I kept the RCC though for blemishes. It's good for that at least. 


Also, even though I'm on the paler side, Custard was still a good match. Vanilla was much to white on me. 

Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

Since you mentioned exhibit a, bang and quiver...


I love all 3, but Quiver is more of a raspberry than a red.  Bang is a nice orange red, and Exhibit A is a true red.



Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

Thank you!! That's very helpful. Quiver is out then, it looks like it would pull pink on me, which I don't want.


How do the formulas stack up, between UD and NARS? Would either be more difficult to go light with? They both look gorgeous, but different enough that I can't just say "oh, Bang's a dupe" and go with that. If UD is easier to go overboard on I might have to stick with my original NARS plan.

Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

Yeah, Quiver has a pretty significant pink undertone to it.


Hmmm.... well, I like both brands of blushes, but but but I like NARS a little more (and not just because I am a NARS fan, because I am also a massive UD fan)


The UD blushes come in a few colors that don't have analogs in the current NARS collection, which I like.  However, while both are fairly easy to work with, I find NARS slightly easier.  UD blushes (of the 6 I have) have a tendency to kick up a bit of powder, which I don't like because;  


1) it wastes product and

2) it makes it easier to overapply and then means I have to spend extra time buffing it out if I don't realize there's extra product on my brush until it's too late.


They both buff easily though, so if there's a color in one line you like that isn't in the other, it can be worthwhile to get it.


ETA: PS I did not try to suggest a nude NARS blush for you because nude is so relative based on skintone, LOL.  However, I did post a few swatches below of some 'nude-ish' blushes for Melissa that might help 😉

Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

Looking at your picture, I think custard may work for you. I would definitely give it a shot. In regards to creasing, I just bought the RCC because it's the only concealer that doesn't seem to crease on me. I thought it would because some people complain of that, but I got a sample of vanilla and it didn't crease at all. I'm thinking the fact that it was a sample helped me apply less product, which helped it not crease. I've been using the full size and still no creasing. I pat it on with my finger and then blend with a beauty blender. 


I can't give much advice on the blushes, but I do like NARS madly for a nude blush. It works with any look. However, I've heard a lot of good things about UD video and considering the Ulta promo coming up, I can see choosing that one! Quiver is also on my radar 🙂

Anonymous Insider

Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

Oh and audacious is deep hole of lippie love. You can't have just one! depending on your skin tone and lip pigment an every day shade can range. On me Bridgette is perfect, hands down favorite. Many love Anita and so do I but she is a bit deep on me for everyday wear. 

Anonymous Insider

Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

The rcc hasn't reached holy grail for me. I use vanilla and custard and the best technique for it I have found is warming it on the back of my hand then applying it with a bb. Too much manipulation it's starts to cake on me and look awful. Tarte concealer and bye bye under eye are my winter months concealers. I feel like I have tried them all a million different ways. 

For blushes for a bright lip I like sex appeal and deep throat. I like my lip to stand out and these perfectly accentuate just enough on my skin tone. For reference I wear shades ranging from Fiji To Ceylan.



Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

I'm probably similar in colour with you. I have played with Ceylan, and it blended in nicely on my hand, just a bit yellow, so I was thinking Fiji since it had more peach in it. Do you mind me asking for you color IQ if you know it? I had mine done recently for the first time and it seemed off.


I find Brigitte too bright of a pink for my liking. My lips are really pigmented, so light colours tend to cake up on my lips even if there's no dry patches. KVD Lolita in Studded Kiss is probably the best MLBB I have. It's pretty accurate to my lip colour, but more opaque and a tiny bit warmer.


I agree completely with RCC, if you play with it too much it gets worse. I like how it covers blemishes, but I cannot use a BB with it. I use Sephora Pro #57 to apply and a BB to blend, but I can't use only a BB. I have better concealers, so once I finish up my tube I will not be repurchasing.

Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

I really love the RCC, but during the summer it can crease on me occasionally.  If it's terribly warm outside, I will set it with loose powder after applying and that usually keeps it from creasing on me.  As to the color... I'm not really sure, perhaps someone else will chime in.


What types of colors do you like to wear in blush?  I can recommend some if you provide that input.


And as for the Audacious lipsticks... well, I have a thread just for them 😄  Anita is a good everyday color, but so is Anna or Brigitte.

Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

I'll have to play around with RCC some more, I was mostly using it in the winter since that's when I got it and I have dry skin. Not a good idea, but I'll try it out some more. I like it for concealing blemishes, it's just not forgiving on my more dry areas. I'm really tempted to get the UD Naked concealer if it would be in stock.


I like all colours of blush, but I'm open to wearing majority of shades. I would probably try to avoid the brightest of blushes. I've been looking for a blush/contour/bronzer colour, and I had some in mind from Nars. One was the recently discontinued Douceur, so now I have my eye on Luster, Madly, and Lovejoy. I don't want it to come across as pink, since I have Tarte's Exposed. A nice berry shade would be amazing for fall and winter, since I prefer berry lips in the cooler months. My only berry blush is Milani's Berry Amore, so I would like a deeper and cooler berry like Sin maybe? Or Seduction?


Thanks for the help, Mocha!

Re: Let's Talk About NARS!

Anytime 😉


I will second the recommendation above; I also pat my concealer in with the micro beauty blender and that seems to help a lot.  


I love douceur and was sad when it got discontinued.  If you are looking for something along those lines, the NARS contour blush duo in the shade Paloma is a possible substitute.  


Luster, madly and lovejoy; none of those will read pink, definitely.  Lovejoy is almost an orangey peach, but a wearable one.  I own all the colors you are referring to, and would be happy to swatch them for you if you'd like.


for a berry tone, seduction is quite lovely.  So is sin, but on some skin tones it can read a little metallic.  


I get the impression you are a fair bit lighter than me.  Do you know your color IQ?


one other blush I recommend would be exhibit a.  Before you let that scare you, let me explain.  It does look terrifying in the pan.  However, you only need a tiny bit, and once you apply it lightly and buff it in, it leaves a gorgeous in from a cold day flush to the cheeks.
