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Hey there, BIC! I don't know about you, but keeping up (or even just doing) things for my own wellness or self-care can slide off my radar or just get pushed aside for some other activity. That happens even more often at the end of the year and with the holidays.
Here we have a game of wellness bingo for November. I thought it would be a fun way to try to keep at it, or to keep it top of mind, by making a little game of it. I also thought this might be a good way to get a leg up on resolutions for the new year. Wellness takes work - let's do the work together, BIC!
🌻 There are a couple of ways to participate. You can aim every week (or every month) to try to check off a different 5-boxes in a row - vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. OR, to add a different take to this wellness challenge, you can use this sheet to see how many boxes you can check off this month. Those are just 2 ways to participate; I'm sure there are other ways and if there's an approach that you find works better for you to get in a little more self care, more regularly, please do share!
BONUS CHALLENGE: This challenge is certainly one you can do on your own. It's also something we can take part in together! Share about the activities you did to earn each square. I love hearing from this Community - I learn about new things I wouldn't have thought of otherwise. Or, share challenges or questions.
🎀 We are all at different stages of our wellness / self-care journey. I'm not at expert at all at this and if there's an activity that is not something you are ready for or that you shouldn't engage in, make the adjustments you need to, or just skip the activity. For instance, the first square is to take a walk outside - if it's storming outside or you're in an area where it is not safe to walk outside (e.g., weather advisory, shelter-in-place, etc.), then skip this one and stay indoors. Be safe. For some of these activities, particularly the physical ones, please consult with your physician or health care provider before starting, if and as appropriate.
⏲ The time periods I included are arbitrary - if you want or can do more than a 10 minute walk outside, go for it. If you're starting out or if you're crunched for time, aim for 5 minutes and work up when, if and as appropriate for you.
🗒 Wondering about the activities mentioned in the squares? Check this out - Wellness In Progress: November 2024 - Activity Summary
Amazing wellness activities glad to hear you were able to get some self care in ❤️ @ather
@peculiarzmakeup Thank you!😊 it was nice!
Such great self care activities @ather! 😍 I looooove red polish and so fitting for the season! Thanks for the reminder - I need to give my nails / hands some TLC - on the to do list for tonight!
@itsfi yes! Hands need TLC too!! Did you paint your nails?
@ather great work, you have checked off so many already!
@caitbird Thank you! I feel like I have done more that I missed. I only have a few more days to complete this!
So I wanted to do a "Tools: Self-Care Edition" as someone who has learned a lot living with a fully disabling condition (P.O.T.S) that often impacts how long I can stand and walk without fainting.
On my chart, the peach X's are things I have done since this challenge and can still do. The Maroon squares are activities I currently cannot do (walks, exercise, standing long enough to cook, stretching). The red-circled items are things I lean heavily into during times like this and still struggle with sometimes. I will drop some of the "self-care tools" I use to accomplish them below:
BODY CARE: This one is the hardest for me right now. Showering is a challenge because heat from the shower and lifting my arms over my head while standing exasperate my syndrome. Here are some of the things I have learned from this for times you're having a difficult time working in a shower because you're too busy or just feeling down:
STAY HYDRATED: As part of my condition hydration and electrolytes are crucial. Hydration is good for everyone but sometimes harder to achieve than it seems. Here are some things that help:
SPEAK KINDLY TO YOURSELF: This is still a real struggle for me. I often feel bad I can't stand to clean, shower more, or do yard work. I think everyone regardless of disability never feels like they have it all done and gets critical of themselves. I find it helps to validate right now I am doing all I can and my health is my biggest priority. Give yourself some grace and know that it's O.K. not to overextend and to put yourself first sometimes.
I love how you know yourself and what works and what doesn’t it’s really cool to read about the process. I have POTS as well I lay down a lot and take a lot of breaks. I struggle with being kind to myself too, you are such a joy and every conversation I have with you is a smile. I love learning and reading this taught me a lot. You did an amazing job! @PDXXXX ❤️❤️❤️
Oh no @peculiarzmakeup ! I'm sorry you have POTS as well: it's such an odd syndrome and hard to explain to people all the ways it impacts us. I'm glad to meet a fellow POTSie here though 🙂 I do think having a condition that limits what you can do stirs up a lot of negative self-talk we have to learn to combat. I'm getting better at it sometimes and still majorly struggle with it at other times. Lots of sitting down and breaks indeed, lol. You are such a doll. Hit me up anytime if you need a POTS buddy to lean on, I know it gets hard ❤️
You’re so sweet! Same for you ❤️ I love these wellness challenges really puts stuff in perspective 🙂 @PDXXXX
@PDXXXX, I like to have some body wipes or similar products in my gym bag for days when I might not have time to shower or when I'm traveling and I just want to feel more clean when I'm running to and through airports, so I will be sure to check out those wipes you mentioned. I've been using Luna Daily The Spray to Wipe Discovery Trio.
Looking at my bingo card, my self care efforts for this week leaned more towards activities with a physical body care bent to them. Interesting. 🤔
The yellow star are the self-care activities I focused on this week.
Amazing job on your bingo! I think it’s incredible how for each thing you thought of and implemented ways of helping them improve such as sleep I think it’s so difficult to fall back asleep I liked hearing about how you used the mat, these are such great thoughts and things to incorporate, they are all very meaningful! Amazing! @itsfi ❤️
Thank you for noticing @peculiarzmakeup. It's been good to work on the self-care activities and really nice to find ways to keep them doable.
Last Week I completed the top left diagonally
For this week I tried to do the other diagonally
Speak Kindly To Yourself
This one for me takes a very mindful approach I am often hard on myself, I struggle with this a bit but reminded myself to take a pause and reflect on things. I try to ask myself if I would look at someone saying or doing the same things as me in the same way and the answer is always no. So I try to say to myself what I would say to someone else and observe how feel without judgement rather with grace empathy and compassion.
Treat Yourself
I got some pecan pie!
Lived in the moment.
Lots of naps this week
Free Space
Cleaned my room! Got some organizers at Target put things away, and swept! This was a great feeling! Clothes declutter
Sleeping Well
I sometimes drink caffeine a bit late in the day I was mindful to make sure I stopped having it around 12pm. This led to a lot more rest than usual!
Digital Detox
My phone is always glued to me haha but I did create a collage to use to set on my phone two hours before bed as a reminder, visuals are helpful for me!
yay for Bingo!
the cat hitting snooze made me smile 😊
@peculiarzmakeup, fantastic work with your self-care! You picked some challenging squares and you nailed all of them! 👊 You got BINGO! Woohoo!
I love coffee, I love the smell of coffee - beans being ground, coffee as its brewing. Good call on calling off coffee at a certain point in your day. Though I have noticed, or I noticed when I went out more, that if I had coffee with my dessert or just after dinner, I'd sleep better. Odd, I know.
Good to have reminders for taking a break from your phone/electronics - setting an alarm and having your visual cues are meaningful tools. 👍 Do you have any go-to activities you particularly enjoy doing or look forward to when you're disconnecting from your electronics?
Thank you @itsfi I like to write whether that be poems or something else but they always seem to rhyme, I also just like to reflect on my day or make lists. I like coffee too but it puts me to sleep haha I like diet soda or matcha I used to work at Starbucks but I do too love the smell of coffee 🙂 thank you for the encouragement I appreciate it!
@peculiarzmakeup, reflecting on the day is an excellent practice. 💖
@peculiarzmakeup Great job! I also have a hard time speaking kindly about myself! But it’s good to work on! I need to start my digital detox too. I’m good throughout the day I normally loose my phone but night is my only time to do the things that make me happy so that one will be hard for me!
Thank you so much! I agree about digital detox it will be interesting to see what I’m reaching for when I try to use my phone like what is handy about the phone haha great job too ❤️ @ather
This is a great thread. I m all over the places but will try to keep up. I should be able to do so by the end of the month since I’m off work til then. I need to catch up with my reading. I haven’t done so for soo long. Confession; digital detox happens by chance since I was too busy to looking up at my phone or iPad after dinner for the last couple week. Pet and human all need cares in my house 😂🤣