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Live Chat with OUAI Founder Jen Atkin

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Jen Atkin, Founder of OUAI Haircare and Celebrity Hairstylist, is heading to the Beauty Insider Community on Wednesday, October 18th, to chat all things hair. Jen will be answering your questions from 2-3 pm PDT so be sure to visit this thread with a question in mind. Ask anything from how to care for chemically treated hair to tips on the best hairstyle for your face shape. 



Be sure to hit the "Reply" button below this text to ask a question. If you ask using the black chat icon to the right Jen will not see your question.

Re: Live Chat with OUAI Founder Jen Atkin

@GoGobutt girl, I feel you, I was just in Singapore. It's hard to combat natural humidity!! Our best product to fight humidity is OUAI Memory Mist. Prep hair with this primer before curling and it will help hold your curl and fight frizz.


RE: Live Chat with OUAI Founder Jen Atkin

Hi Jen! I have frizzy, dry ends but a little oily scalp — what shampoo/conditioners would you recommend for me??

Re: RE: Live Chat with OUAI Founder Jen Atkin

@ycnp33 Get ready to be #OUAIaddicted to our Oily supplements because it's going to be a gamechanger for you. They fix the problem at the root so your oil production will balance out on the scalp. To help fix those dry ends, use our Treatment Masque once a week to repair dead ends and Hair Oil to seal the ends after styling.

have the same problem .. my hair gets super oily but is s...

have the same problem .. my hair gets super oily but is super dry at the ends.. any recommendations??

Re: have the same problem .. my hair gets super oily but is s...

@Slima19 wash with OUAI Clean Shampoo and conditioner with OUAI Repair Conditioner. If oily hair is really a problem, try our OUAI Oily Supplements. These will rebalance your scalp, but still have vitamins that nourish strong, healthy ends. They usually take 90 days to see results but i swear these are our best kept secret!!


Re: Live Chat with OUAI Founder Jen Atkin

Hi Jen @JenAtkin! Thanks for joining us and thanks for creating such beautiful products! 
I've been having some issues around breakage on the top of my head, making my already frizz-prone hair look even crazier. What are your tips/recos for taming these and ideally preventing them in the long-run.


Thank you again!


Re: Live Chat with OUAI Founder Jen Atkin

@NotCrocker Avoid heat styling as much as possible and pop our supplements. Dry Supplements will be a great fit to help encourage healthy hair and stronger strands. Our treatment masque once a week will be a lifesaver to repair all that breakage. 

Re: Live Chat with OUAI Founder Jen Atkin

Thanks for these tips @JenAtkin! I've definitely eyed supplements in the past, but am always wary (and also terrible at being inconsistent). I will definitely give them a try, AND try to be more consistent with using masques!

RE: Live Chat with OUAI Founder Jen Atkin

Hi, my hair gets oily pretty quickly but I hate to have to wash and blow out again- what type of shampoo and conditioner would help? Any suggestions on a dry shampoo or style extender?

Re: RE: Live Chat with OUAI Founder Jen Atkin

@YoMami719 Try OUAI Clean Shampoo and Conditioner. Between washes, use our OUAI Dry Shampoo. We have a Foam dry shampoo, but the regular Dry Shampoo is better for super oily scalps because it has volcanic minerals that really absorb oil. 

Re: Live Chat with OUAI Founder Jen Atkin

Hi Jen,

My hair hasn't been holding a curl lately, and it use to hold perfectly! I have thick, long hair. Any ideas?

Re: Live Chat with OUAI Founder Jen Atkin

@clare1234 it could be due to a change in seasons / weather...or sometimes our hair changes textures a bit as we get older. BUT I have the perfect product for you- have you tried the OUAI Memory Mist? It's a hair primer you spray on dry hair that is a heat protectant and has heat activated memory technology that lock your style into place. It will literally memorize any style you create with a hot tool 

Hi ❤! What would you recommend for thinning hair? I used...

Hi ❤! What would you recommend for thinning hair? I used to have thick, long hair, and seems like once I hit my 30's it went downhill from there. I need some fabulosity back into my locks! love you & your products!

Re: Hi ❤! What would you recommend for thinning hair? I used...

@MzRodz The unfortunate thing about hair, is that once it's start thinning there is nothing topical you can use to treat it (because it's usually hormonal). BUT our OUAI Thin Supplements will save your life. It usually takes 90 days on average to see results, but trust me they will change your life!!!

Re: Hi ❤! What would you recommend for thinning hair? I used...

Thank you for your reply!!! I am purchasing now! You're amazing!

Just wanted to say thank you for creating such an awesome...

Just wanted to say thank you for creating such an awesome dry shampoo! I work part time at a restaurant and the foaming dry shampoo is the only one that works to get rid of the smell in my hair(I've tried many different ones). I have curly/frizzy hair so it's time consuming to wash and style it everyday and the foam is a great help on the days I don't wash my hair.

Re: Just wanted to say thank you for creating such an awesome...

@aquarius526 thank you!!! Love hearing your feedback.

Do you plan to release toning products in the future?

Do you plan to release toning products in the future?

Re: Live Chat with OUAI Founder Jen Atkin

Jen, I've been bugging you on snap about this since the day the treatment mask came out. First of all its the greatest product I've laid my hair on. BUT, I am soooo Armenian and you know how much hair we have... I just wanted to ask and beg for you to come out with a TIN instead of the packets... maybe a small and large size? I mean, opening those packets and squeezing them out in the shower is just... not so glammy lol. Anyway, love you! and God bless your beautiful soul ❤️

Re: Live Chat with OUAI Founder Jen Atkin

@GoGobutt I hear you! Not the first time I've heard one of my thick-haired girls say that. 

RE: Live Chat with OUAI Founder Jen Atkin

Hi JEN, my 7 year old daughter has very fine curly hair that tends to frizz a lot! She always has that halo affect from the short hairs. What can I do? It's driving me crazy! I
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