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Is the glow recipe moisturizer worth it?

I'm just wondering If it's worth my money because I'm about to check out and I'm not sure 🙂 Glow Recipe Watermelon Pink Juice Oil-Free Refillable Moisturizer #skincare


Re: Is the glow recipe moisturizer worth it?

To me I liked it, I did switch to a new moisturizer though (not that it was bad) but yes, it dose really sepend on your skin type.

Re: Is the glow recipe moisturizer worth it?

It really depends on your skin type. But in my opinion this is the best moisturizer I have ever used!

Re: Is the glow recipe moisturizer worth it?

It really depends I use the glow recipe dew drops on my combo skin and they really helped me with my skin texture! If you aren’t sure maybe try a mini size first

Re: Is the glow recipe moisturizer worth it?

@GraceM167 @I didn’t like it for my skin type. 

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