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Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

I wanted to make a post like this forever but in a blog. I know there are a few BICers on here pregnant at the moment.  Congratulations to @itscarin @myxducky @rockstargina @Mcakes 

I wanted a thread where we could talk about any pregnancy related concerns, help each other with baby gear or just talk about Pregnancy/Motherhood in general and answer any questions people had like potty training or where to shop for items. Or even provide ideas about baby gender or pregnancy announcements.

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@Loretta55 thank you. Trying to rest as much as I can. 

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@SportyGirly125 ,

Congratulations!  Natalie Marie is a beautiful baby! 

Welcome to the world, Natalie Marie!

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@tsavorite thank you so much 

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

If you're looking for some quick info on pregnancy safe skincare, chemist.confessions on IG just did a series of posts on it. They're really thorough but concise.

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@makeitup305 Thank you for the info. 

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

I am a mom to two girls. One is almost 6 and the other is a little over a year old.  Being a Mom is hard work. I work part time and sometimes wish I worked full time just for the break. ๐Ÿ˜ฉ now that my oldest is out for the summer I am trying to find things to keep her busy and occupied. My one year old is pulling herself up but hasnโ€™t walked yet.  She is also not wanting to eat a lot of table

food and prefers purรฉes.  She also doesnโ€™t want to transition to a sippy type cup. I feel like my oldest was already eating tons of table food at this time.  Any tips would be appreciated. 

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@jen81  I have a 1 year old boy. He was bottle fed and Iโ€™ve been trying to give him a sippy cup since he was 8 months. I also had a straw cup that I tried and it took till he was 10 months before he actually took it. For me I had to buy a bunch of different cups before he found one he liked. He will use a sippy cup but he still takes a bottle before bed. Iโ€™ve been trying to wean him but he likes his bottle at night. My little guy wonโ€™t really take purรฉes now and heโ€™s not a huge eater. Heโ€™s always been a snacker so I always have something for him and I offer him stuff all the time. What do you give your little girl? My guy likes chicken shredded, shredded cheese, lunch meat (natural ones) cut up into pieces and I make homemade sweet potato fries that he loves too. I always offer him food and then some formula after just to make sure heโ€™s getting enough. 

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@ather I remember having to buy a bunch of cups to try it with my oldest! I have been offering different ones too. She likes chicken diced up and crackers. I usually offer a variety of stuff, she is figuring it out slowly.  Iโ€™m going to try some teething crackers because itโ€™s good for her learning to move her tongue around and working on swallowing.  She did real well the other day ate some at all meals but next day wanted nothing to do with it ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ.  I will just keep at it!!

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@jen81  yea I have the same problem he eats some days and doesnโ€™t the next. He also loved scrambled egg whites. 

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@jen81  not a mom but I'm a SLPA. You could try making the puree thicker little by little, or putting small pieces of solids in with the puree, like pieces of rice or soft potato. You could also alternate bites of puree with small bites of solids, and offer lots of praise or even a reward (bubbles or clapping) when she eats solids.

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@makeitup305  i have tried mixing in the chunky type purรฉes. She spits it out. I praise her a lot when she takes bites and do the exaggerated chewing while eating with her ( Iโ€™m sure I look like an idiot). I will try the alternating bites with purรฉe.

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@jen81 are there any types preferred foods that she'll eat in a soft solid, like bananas or watermelon? 

RE: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

Who has children already? Do you worry about the future? My daughter is only 5 but Iโ€™m already freaking out about her becoming a teenager and doing risky things that I did as a teenager. I know that you can only do your best and teach them lessons but Iโ€™m always terrified of something bad happening to my kid.

Re: RE: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@KehDee I have that fear too.  I wasnโ€™t as bad as my brother but with social media these days growing up isnโ€™t what it was like when I was a kid. 

RE: Re: RE: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

Right? Itโ€™s scary

Re: RE: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@KehDee I'm mom to 4. I lucked out & got the perfect 2 boys 2 girls. My oldest a girl, will be 14 in October. You do worry about the future, sleepovers, school...everything. But they watch you, even when you think they're not. So lead by example. And talk. Communication especially with girls is key. I'm 36 but school now is alot different then when I was there. Social media equals online bullying. And everyone has a smart phone. Everything my teenager does on her phone gets emailed to me. I started a open line of communication with all my children since they were young. My teenager has came to me for everything because of it. Even my 2nd, a boy who's 9 has came to me, I had to take a BIG, deep breath before I answered but I'm glad they feel they can come to me instead of their friends. I'm far from perfect & I dont pretend to be, but hope this helps. ๐Ÿค—

RE: Re: RE: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

Thanks for the reply @sonnydee. Weโ€™ve already had issues with my daughter being assaulted at school so that isnโ€™t helping my worries. I try to talk to her as much as I can and talk her through her big emotions but itโ€™s something that I struggle with myself because I struggle with mental illness so I donโ€™t want her to end up like me. Ugh sorry to unload here!

Re: RE: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

Thanks for sharing @sonnydee. I'm always curious about the people behind the names I see on the masking challenge. I hope I create a similar relationship with my kids as they get older. ๐Ÿ™‚

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

Congrats to all the mamas to be!

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

thank you @l8totheparty ๐Ÿ˜Š

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@l8totheparty Thank you!

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