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Post in Oily Skin

Re: Help Please... what order should I do skincare???

@STSkincare usually you go from thinnest to thickest, so 


1. Cleanser (since you rinse it off)

2. Toner

3. Serum

4. Moisturizer - You can alternate moisturizers (vitamin c for day and water bank for night)


The toner you have is a light exfoliant so just make sure you don't overdo it when pairing it with the Strawberry Acid Serum, which is also an exfoliant. My skin can't tolerate that very well but if it works for you, that's ok. I'd stick to the serum 1x per day, though.


The other products could be added as such:

1. Dew drops are kind of a serum texture so they could go under your moisturizer in the morning. If you want extra glow, I think they can also be used as a kind of primer so you could put them over the moisturizer as well.

2. The AHA Night treatment I would do instead of the Strawberry serum 1x/week.

3. The mist is fine before or after skincare and throughout the day.


Make sure to also add some sunscreen since you're using so many exfoliants.

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