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Brazilian Crush Cheriosa 68

Recently, I bought the Brazilian crush cheriosa 68 after watching a tons of videos made on the perfume mist. To be on the safe side, I bought the mini which is 90 mL. However, I was surprised that it smells so good. Just want to let all know that I am a total sweet smell kind of person. So, this totally fits my test. It is floral, sweet, not so harsh and little warm. I sprayed on my skin and dress. It lasted long time. To be honest the smell stayed on my dress more than 24 hours. I am gonna try the rest. Please post your opinion or comments. ❤️

Re: Brazilian Crush Cheriosa 68

I am a fan of this product as well but it does spoil if used too little in the span of 4 months 

Re: Brazilian Crush Cheriosa 68


i also ordered this but I got empty bottle .

So how could I get new one.?

Re: Brazilian Crush Cheriosa 68

@Lubnakader  I like the 68 body butter better than the spray. 71 is my favorite. More warm gourmand than floral though. Fruity would be more 40 plums or the Anitta pineapple one. I don't prefer 40 but the pineapple one smells like pineapple upside down cake to me. The initial spray is strong but tames into brown sugar pineapple imo.

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