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Post in Customer Support


Let me preface this by saying I know samples are free.  But, why even bother to offer a sample choice when you NEVER send the ones I choose.  "We occasionally send a substitute when a sample isn't available" is a lie - you ALWAYS send a substitute.  I don't use words like never and always lightly, but in this case, it is without exception that I don't get what I asked for. 


If you just threw a couple samples in with my order, I could choose to try it out or just discard if I'm not interested.  By offering a false choice, it just irritates me every time I receive an order and makes me think less of your company.

Re: Samples

@LFie I'm so sorry to hear that you have had this experience! I understand it can be disappointing to receive sample substitutions and I will share this feedback with the appropriate department for future improvements. 

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