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Post in Customer Support

SCAM ALERT- Sephora Gift Cards

I purchased a gift card and before I even received it, someone hacked into it and used up all the funds. relinquished any responsibility in securing their gift cards from hackers and wouldn’t help me. I’m really disappointed in Sephora’s handling of this situation, as it appears there are many of us and it’s a huge problem. Maybe we’ll have better luck at Ulta. 

Re: SCAM ALERT- Sephora Gift Cards

@LaurieBT Why do you and the other mods offer to send a DM like if you are going to help, but then do absolutely nothing at all except say to call the FTC??? You should all be ashamed of yourselves 

Re: SCAM ALERT- Sephora Gift Cards

What are you doing for all at the rest of us? 

People should be advised if they buy one of your gift cards at a retailer other than Sephora that you will absolve yourself of any responsibility. Moreover, not one but two customer service reps assured me I would be helped by your Customer Service line and after waiting on hold I was informed, "Sorry, not our problem." I should've gotten that answer on the first call, not after wasting my time on top of my money.


Re: SCAM ALERT- Sephora Gift Cards

They are doing nothing at all. They do not care as long as they get their money 

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