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Post in Cheeky Cheeks

The Highlight Challenge

Highilght Image.jpg

Not to generalize, but I think it's fair to say a lot of us on BeautyTalk have a slight obsession when it comes to highlighter. For me, my highlight is the finishing touch before running out the door. Some days I aim for a natural look and other days I want to look like a glistening unicorn and I know I'm not alone. Many of us have a lot of love for each of our highlighters so it's time to show them off! 


Now, onto the challenge: From March 13th- April 14th let's give our highlighters some love each day by sharing details in this thread. I encourage you to get creative and be experimental with your product and technique. There are many highlight formats (liquid, powder, balms, etc.) and you can play around with the intensity of your highlight as well. Share as much or as little as you'd like, including pictures, swatches, products, tools and your favorite tips. 


Can't wait to see your lustrous highlight looks!

Re: The Highlight Challenge

Your glow and your lip colour!

Re: The Highlight Challenge

@jesscheems thank you! 🙂

Re: The Highlight Challenge

Super pretty and glowy!

Re: The Highlight Challenge

@makeitup305 thank you! It was the deluxe sample I got from tarte direct 🙂

Re: The Highlight Challenge

you're killing this challenge @gonerogue! so pretty.

Re: The Highlight Challenge

@unfungirl thank you! I'm failing to take pictures everyday with these rainy, gloomy days but I do try!

Re: The Highlight Challenge

i totally get it @gonerogue! i'm hella lazy about makeup lately but these challenges inspire me!


Re: The Highlight Challenge

i was trying to get a photo as the sun was setting, not so successful! i wore mary lou-manizer tonight, and really packed it on!



Re: The Highlight Challenge

I don't know how I missed this post last night!  I love your subtle sunset glow and that lip gloss is amazing!  This is a really pretty look overall! ❤️  @unfungirl

Re: The Highlight Challenge

❤️ thanks so much @Tamara76!!! ❤️

Re: The Highlight Challenge

Love the way your skin looks!


Re: The Highlight Challenge

thanks so much @makeitup305! sunset light is the best light!

Re: The Highlight Challenge

I love Mary Lou!! Your skin= goals!!

Re: The Highlight Challenge

@jesscheems you're so kind!  I've been getting hormonal breakouts lately for the first time in years so I appreciate the kind words. I am loving this challenge because it's making me give some poor neglected old faves some love!

Re: The Highlight Challenge

Thought of this thread when I saw this-



Re: The Highlight Challenge

@CC3616, thanks to my oily t-zone I stay away from highlighting in that area and stick to my cheeks. I already get a natural highlight there! 😄 


Re: The Highlight Challenge

Yeah..... let this be a lesson to all of us!  Poor kid!  

Re: The Highlight Challenge

Today, I used the middle shade, Sale, from NARS Banc de Sable palette (with Cargo The Big Easy Blush and Physicians Formula Butter Bronzer).


Moderate light:





Re: The Highlight Challenge

Your complexion is amazing!

Re: The Highlight Challenge

Awww - Thank you! You are too sweet!@jesscheems

Re: The Highlight Challenge


2 Replies