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~ Updated Feb 5th 2019 ~


Since MAC has so many releases coming I thought we could share this info here and our love for the brand 🙂


Sephora Canada brand page:



Lucky Red Lunar New Year

MAC in Monochrome

Hyper Real Glow palettes - online at MAC

Hyper Real Prep Sets - online at MAC



MAC in Monochrome


MAC Lunar New Year - Lucky Red




Art Library palettes  - Available Feb 14th Nordstrom - Feb 25th MAC select locations

Dazzle Drops - coming soon

Boom Boom Bloom collection - March 7th?

Lightful C Foundation and Concealers

Pro Longwear Long-Last Lips Collection

Strobe Glaze

MAC x Tanya Taylor NYC

Up For Everything Lash mascara

Potential MAC x Lisa Frank collection????


Art Library palettes 

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Hyper Real Glow palette

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Boom Boom Bloom collection - March 7th?

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Dazzle Drops

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Hyper Real Prep Sets

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Lightful C Foundation and Concealers

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Sneak peek - Extra Dimension eye shadows - coming soon

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Sneak Peeks

MAC x Lisa Frank?????



Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

@veronika23 THANK YOU!


i am SO excited! you really are the best ❤️

Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

@unfungirl  you are welcome! I can't believe how confused people at MAC were... They said it be coming out in May lol

Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

lol @veronika23! sometimes even they get confused by their LE items! i'm thinking it will sell out crazy fast, but probably get restocked once or twice.

Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

@unfungirl  I wasn't sure if it would sell out or not and heard it would be at the Nordstrom counter in Vancouver so when I couldn't get a straight answer from MAC I contacted someone at Nordies and they said it would release today at 3pm and she should be able to hold some for me... but didn't want to take a chance the hold gets sold so I ordered from MAC 😄 😄 😄


I don't follow any of these gurus and will keep my comments to myself but yeah... just wanted to make sure I got these for you! 🙂  Got an extra in case I decide I want it and the new first wave powder! That's too beautiful to pass up.


It's so difficult to know now what will sell out from MAC... They don't have the popularity they used to.


I'll pm you once they are in my hands 🙂

Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

@veronika23  the influncer lippies are online only in the states, and sold out in a day! i haven't heard anything about restocking etc so i'm not sure what the deal is in the US.


sam is one of the first youtubers i followed, and i just really love her personality! she is pretty real as far as gurus go, i don't really follow many of them either TBH. 

i hope you like the lippie, the color looks so pretty! the first wave powder is gorrrrrgeous too!  


Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

@unfungirl  oh wow! See I thought they would be online only too but when I started researching it I was told some MAC stores would have it and the Nordstrom in Vancouver because she's from there apparently... and now it looks like The Bay online has it too... which is odd to me LOL... I just find it so strange that the MAC employees who were always in the know now know nothing. Like what the heck MAC???


Oh oh ok! Cool!  I went to look her up on IG and well... ugh I'll leave it at that lol.  The only person I really like is Kandee J.  The rest I don't know and don't want to know. I feel like the market is saturated with guru's and influencers but they are all the same... They look the same/feel the same... and companies seem to want to spend money on trips for them instead of quality products. How the heck can anyone take what they say seriously... plus are they really MUA's or just saying they are you know... I need to stay away from all that because it's exactly that, that makes me wanna say f-it with makeup. All this saturation... it's like makeup is loosing it's appeal and all that matters is pushing out/selling more products, one upping the other and anything to get "famous".  I don't know... Don't get me wrong I still love it and I do love new releases and stuff but I make sure to stay away from the stuff that drives me nuts so I don't loose my love for it. Sorry not sure if I am making any sense... and sorry for the rant lol 😄


I am super happy I was able to help! xoxox  🙂

Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

@veronika23 i think there is a lot of confusion with MAC in general right now! i hope they get it together.


i get what you're saying! sam has definitely changed with her growing fame, and becoming a lot like the other big BG's. and i completely agree that a lot of them lack originality. i mean as pretty as the nude lip/red eyeshadow look is, that's literally all i see on insta from most of the BG world. i also am really turned off by all the advertising and a** kissing they do, all for a buck.


i am much more drawn to creative MUA's who actually have real skill, and originality. i'm obsessed with the girls in the KVD collective!


i think more than anything the lipstick has sentimental value if that makes sense? i am truly grateful for your help ❤️

Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

@unfungirl  I hope they get it together too!


I am also a huge fan of the KVD girls!  Now that is artistry! Which is why I fell in love with makeup in the first place.


I totally understand that! 🙂  Kandee J will have a few collabs and I will want to get those... so no worries. 😄  Oh you are most welcome! I am happy to help anytime!

Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

@veronika23  exactly! i think makeup should be fun, and it should be an expression of your creativity/mood! looking like everyone else is so lame!!


the KVD girls are awesome. and SO nice. i love that they take the time to respond to questions and comments- that means a lot!


haha i think we all have our soft spots for collabs ❤️


and likewise- anytime you need a favor, i got you!

Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

@unfungirl  yes exactly!!!! 🙂


Oh I did not realize they did that! That's even more awesome! I haven't seen all that they do but I do love what I've seen.


Thank you! 🙂

Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

@veronika23 sorry to insert myself into this convo! Haha. Just wanted to chime in and agree with you about the "beauty gurus". In Samantha's case, I know of her, but I'm not a fan of hers (I just love the colour of this lipstick). I am so sick of the constant shilling of sub-par products by (essentially bribed) influencers. I can't exactly blame them, if someone came to me and said "hey, I'll take you on a free trip to the Caribbean, all you have to do is say this eyeshadow palette is amazing!" I'd have a hard time saying no. But, from a viewer/consumer perspective, it really bothers me and I can't trust a single thing that any"guru" says.

Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

@Asche you are welcome to join in!!


i have been following sam for years, and i do agree that as she's gotten more well known, she has changed and become more like a traditional BG. i have lost interest in many of the youtubers/IG accounts i used to follow for the exact reasons you listed. my main issue with most of the "big" BG's is that 90% of their posts are ads or shilling products for X company. i don't trust their opinions either, because they are clearly sponsored and biased. 

i admire sam though because i think she is gracious for all the gifts and opportunites she gets, and has a fun sense of humor. 


Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!


@Asche  No worries! Chime in! 🙂


Yeah it is a pretty color for sure but did you notice all the influencer colors are like the same... where is the creativity? Sure I'd love those things too and free products but I don't think I would be able to say something is good when it's not. Guess I cannot lie 😄

Image result for i like big butts and I can't lie gif

Generally speaking I feel there is barely any ethics left in this world and it drives me nuts. And exactly, you can't trust what they say. Can't trust anything anymore. It's all a bunch of information and no wisdom... sad.


I buy what I like... not what the trends or gurus tell me to buy. Ugh. Why be a clone... fight the system! 😄




Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!


P.S. I burst out laughing at your gif!

Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

@Asche  Gotta keep thing interesting and funny or else we are all doomed 😄

Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

This lipstick was the first thing I thought of when I work up, haha. 😄

I was half expecting it to be OOS on Mac's website, but it was still there! I'm really glad I was able to get one.

Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

More swatches of the Min Liu collection - Available now

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Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

@veronika23   I received the face powder today, it is so pretty!  And wow, the compact is not playing around! It is heavy!

Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

@shimmerbait  nice!  I am still waiting for my order to ship... It's never taken this long but apparently there is no problems... Will make a nice addition to my compact collection... I have a few other heavy ones 😄

Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

Some of the Min Liu is up for Canada! I searched for Min Liu then added to my favourites and could add to basket from there 🙂

Re: MAC Love and Releases Thread!

Thanks! It's up at The Bay too! Just waiting for that Samantha lipstick...

13 Replies