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Post in Best Hair Ever

The Dyson Beauty Thread

I wanted to start a new thread as a place to share news and updates as well as tips & tricks about Dyson Beauty. After being so incredibly skeptical about any of the Dyson items based on the extremely high price point, I am a total convert after purchasing my Dyson Airwrap last year during the pre-holiday sale at Sephora. 


As someone who has mostly airdried my hair in the last few years, especially since COVID, I realized that part of the reason for that was because I’m always in a rush and I almost never have time to blowdry, then heat style my hair because of how long it took. I also absolute hated the smell of my hair after using curling wands/irons/straighteners, even on low heat, my hair would get that burning kind of smell. I had a friend give rave reviews about the Dyson Airwrap, so I decided to purchase when it was on the 20% off sale. I’ve found that I can have fully styled hair in about 40 minutes from wet to dry, and the style lasts for me about a week (depending on which styling products I use). 


This has made the Airwrap a great value for me and I find I’m happier with my hair, it actually feels softer and shinier when I use the Airwrap than when I airdry it. The one I have is the Dyson Limited Edition Airwrap Multi Styler in Ceramic Pop . I love that it has a dryer attachment and lots of other options and how healthy and soft my hair stays when using it. I haven't even used it to it's full potential (mostly I've just used the dryer attachment and the larger curling barrel), but I love it so much! See the spoiler below for some of my pics after styling with the Dyson Airwrap. 


Please share your thoughts on any of the Dyson products, questions, or news and announcements to share with the Community. And, please post your looks or tips and tricks for getting the best deal, and for getting the most out of the Dyson products. I’ll update this post soon with some curated information and tips & tricks that may be helpful to the community!


As always, if there’s another thread for Dyson already, just let me know and I’ll redirect there! 

dyson sephora page.jpg


My Dyson!



Here's a few looks of my hair after styling with the airwrap:

IMG_9069.JPEG  IMG_0593.JPEG IMG_0193.JPEG

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

@itsfi I still have the crimper... no guarantees on if it still works!  This may be a weekend project now.  Project #sidepony .  It's going to be a rainy weekend.  We'll see how it goes.  Maybe Dyson would like to sponsor a BIC crimper attachment for the Airwrap?  Untapped market here... untapped market. 

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

@missjeanie, and then other brands can follow suit. Competition. 

oh em gee, I've been laughing so hard that my cheeks hurt. 🤣

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

@itsfi Same!  Tomorrow's going to be quite the scene in my house if it's raining outside and I'm keeping myself busy with the 80s throwbacks.  

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

Omg I totally still have a crimper! Somewhere! I did kind of an amazing Stevie Nicks impersonation for a rugby skit a bunch of years ago. It was epic. @missjeanie @itsfi 

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

@sister13 I think we need to bring them back into vogue!!

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

I definitely love that dual aspect for traveling! Also, I know you tagged @itsfi but I’ll say I made the jump to more layers my last haircut or two and I was nervous about it but have really liked it. It just gave a little more shape and style for me.  @missjeanie 

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

You have such gorgeous hair @sister13 !  We need a Makeup Happy Hour tutorial!

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

Awww thanks! I will definitely do that one of these days! I’m always in a rush and forget to record despite my best plans!! But hopefully soon!  @missjeanie 

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

Ooh it looks so shiny and pretty! I haven’t tried all the attachments yet either, haha! I do love the styling features but also love how it feels way less damaging to my hair over time! 💗💗💗 Keep us posted! @itsfi 

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

Yes, 100% agree @sister13 - it does feel less damaging! I love that! 💖 

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

Oh my goodness. Your hair is beautiful. You can denied it all you want but I think you’re a pro in curling hair. I love it so much @itsfi . I love your highlighter too 😍🥰❤️🌹

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

omg, you flatter me @blackkitty2014, thank you! 🥰 I did an at home glaze earlier I. The week and it’s great for giving my hair a refresh. ♥️ My stylist and I have been working to find an espresso and a honey-caramel lowlights/highlights that I’m good with - blends into my hair and grows out well (not brassy). Work in progress.

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

It’s gorgeous and again, I would be remiss not to mention the shine! @itsfi 

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

Awww, thank you @sister13! I've been incorporating an at-home glaze into my hair care routine (or trying to do so consistently - that's always the key, isn't it?) I usually go in to see my hair person every 6-8 weeks, depending on what we did to my hair during the previous appointment and how long I can go before needing to get in. So, depending on that, I'll use a glaze once a week at the end of week 4 and if I'm on an 8-week schedule, then again at the beginning of week 6 and then just a light application to just the ends in the middle of week 7. I'm bummed that Sephora no longer carries the dpHue Glossy Glaze, but it's available elsewhere and comes in a few different colors as well as a sheer / transparent shade which works really well too, especially if I have balayage done or a couple of different highlight colors.

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

@itsfi  Omg! Your hair looks gorgeous! Look at those bouncy waves!!!! It looks incredible!! I’m so impressed!! Your hair looks so healthy too!!! 

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

You’re too kind @ather! Thank you! 🥰 I’ve been trying really hard to do a hair mask weekly, and keep my ends hydrated with a hair oil. 

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

So soft and pretty @itsfi !!! I think we need a Ceremonia product review from you 😂 is the Dyson helping you add volume around the crown of your head/hair? 

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

Aww, thank you so much @jaaayp! 🥰 Oh, I hadn’t even thought about the Dyson being used for some extra oomph on my crown! Good idea! Right now, my volume is from OUAI Hydrating Scalp Serum for Healthy, Fuller Looking Hair 2 oz / 60 mL and Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray 8.5 oz/ 300mL


Oh I looove the guava line from Ceremonia! I’m away this morning but post my thoughts when I get back! Do you have any of their products? 

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

Is the OUAI Hydrating Scalp Serum for Healthy, Fuller Looking Hair 2 oz / 60 mL for volume?? I've been using it for a month now and although it smells nice and my scalp feels hydrated.. not sure what it's supposed to do LOL


I haven't picked up any of their stuff yet @itsfi 🥲 I really wanted to but I'm trying to stay strong.. I have the OUAI Treatment Mask for Fine and Medium Hair 8 oz/ 236 mL and the Briogeo Don't Despair, Repair!™ Deep Conditioning Hair Mask that I need to get through (I know ceremonia carries others but I'm pretty full there too now 🫠🫠🫠)

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

@jaaayp, at my crown, I noticed my hair looked more full when I use the Ouai serum consistently. I have fine, thin hair and it is often very flat at the crown. It wasn't a ton of volume but my hair did look fuller as I was nearing the end of the bottle. Maybe my scalp was just cleaner and it didn't have all the stuff weighing it down so that's why it looked fuller? 😅 That could be a factor.

Re: The Dyson Beauty Thread

Incherestin @itsfi I shall keep trucking on! Tbh, I bought it half price so the fact that my scalp feels clean and it smelling amazing is enough like hair perfume LOL although... not sure if I will continue if $56 is the going price 😂😂😂😂

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  • Note... this isn't me... only because I'm not sure how I feel about those types of photos being on the internet... but I wore a strikingly similar style to this one I found online.  Bonus marks if you can imagine the perm I insisted on in addition to this.
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