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Post in Best Hair Ever

Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

Has anyone out there been experience sudden hair loss (or just noticed) from using any olaplex products? Specifically, Olaplex #3?  My hair was gorgeous 6-8 months ago, but after using olaplex shampoo & conditioner and olaplex #3 for a few months, my hair began falling about in groves! I stopped using it many months ago, but my hair is still falling out. I contacted the company, and of course they say their product is not linked to hair loss -- of course they sl say that. Not one other product has ever caused my hair to fall out like olaplex and no other health  conditions nor products can be attributed to my major hair loss. What in the world is in these products?? Can somebody please help or share their experience. Have Mercy! Make it stop! Olaplex, I am so mad at you! I wish somebody could get to the bottom of this! I urge you to be careful with these products. I know they've been hyped, but I know this is not just me and I hope to get to the bottom of this or at least find something to grow my hair back. It has been a nightmare!!

Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

I just recently experienced this issue with Olaplex #4 shampoo and #5 conditioner. Saw great reviews for its use on tangly, curly hair and bought it for my 10-year-old daughter. I am so regretful. After using during her weekly baths, I started to notice the significant hair clumps in the water and coming out upon rinsing her hair. I stupidly kept using the product on her (probably 5 times total in her weekly baths), thinking that perhaps the hair loss was a sign of oncoming puberty (hormone changes) or just breakage. Upon her younger sister complaining about all the hair in the tub (I had not used this shampoo on the younger sister), I started searching for age of alopecia onset, hair loss with puberty, etc. Much to my surprise I came across all this information on Olaplex and hair loss. It was probably the obvious thing and really the most logical explanation for our situation. I pray that the hair regrows now that we have stopped the product. I encourage anyone to report adverse events with Olaplex to the FDA -- yes, they do want these reports for cosmetic products. Here is the reporting link: Good luck to everyone / anyone else dealing with this. I'm so very upset and sad that I introduced this product to my daughter. This company should be ashamed. 

Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

OMG I can’t believe I’m reading this about

Olaplex!! I believe I used the number three as well… I noticed within a week stopped using it… People thought I was crazy when I complained it seemed to make my hair very dry and brittle. A year later I started going to a new hairstylist, who insisted Ola Plex was good for my hair And applied it after each session. Six months later, my hair is so burnt it has thinned out and seems as if my hair has been destroyed. I can’t believe it wasn’t my imagination and now, after reading all these other complaints. I am so angry,Patti 😫🤬

Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

YES!!! No doubt that Olaplex 3 caused my hair to start dropping like crazy. After every my Wet Brush  was full. My pillow would be covered. Every time I brushed my hair I would notice significant loss. 
I had a thyroid panel done and even added supplements and hormones with no success.

As I racked my brain for the cause I realized the only change I had made to my hair care routine was to use the Olaplex 3 on the ends of my hair. The irony is that my hair wasn’t particularly damaged I was just using it for prevention.

As soon as I stopped using it my hair loss returned to normal. And it wasn’t until I figured out what was going on that I searched online and found so many postings regarding the connection between hair and Olaplex products.

Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!


"Olaplex Hair loss/Hair Damage" is the Facebook Group myself and over 10,000 other people have joined because of what Olaplex is doing to people's hair.

Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

So why would you use those products if your hair wasn’t damaged and gorgeous to begin with?

Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

I bought Function of Beauty at target years ago when it first came out and I tried the purple bottle and literally after the first wash my hair was soo dry and brittle and fell out in CLUMPS!! I used it just once more after that giving it the benefit of the doubt and it got even worse. I discontinued it after realizing it made my hair extremely rough and dry and my hair continued to fall out for weeks after just using it twice! I never used it again and my hair went back to normal and got some moisture back after switching shampoos. It was the scariest experience ever when it came to my hair I’ve never had problems like that before. Function of Beauty will try to blame everything else (personal health issues) because that’s what keeps them from getting sued!!  

Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!


Our mission is to ensure that every user of our products has healthier and stronger hair. OLAPLEX uses state of the art testing to determine product safety and efficacy. OLAPLEX also complies with good quality assurance practices; meets industry standards in formulation, manufacturing and testing; and utilizes contract manufacturers that comply with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)—a system for ensuring that products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards. OLAPLEX tests its products before they go on the shelf and re-tests products as necessary to ensure safety and effectiveness. If a user of OLAPLEX products is not satisfied with his or her purchase, we want to hear from them.


We take pride in developing products that are scientifically proven to improve hair health, not harm it. Our products are tested at our R&D facility and by independent third parties and there is no evidence from that testing that OLAPLEX products or their ingredients are capable of causing hair loss or hair breakage.
There are many possible contributing factors to hair loss, including diet, stress, health concerns, pregnancy and pharmaceutical use. Anyone experiencing consistent hair loss should consult a dermatologist to best understand their unique hair and skin needs.


No. OLAPLEX was founded to revolutionize science-backed solutions for healthy, stronger hair. However, we understand that losing hair in any amount can be stressful, which is why we follow strict quality control processes and test our products before they go on the shelf and re-test products as necessary to ensure that they are safe to use.


Our third-party laboratory partners run a series of rigorous safety and clinical tests on both skin and hair to ensure all OLAPLEX products are safe and effective.

For example, before our products are made publicly available, we conduct a human repeat insult patch test (HRIPT), which is the standard human clinical test used for personal care and pharmaceutical products and tests for irritation and sensitization. Further clinical testing is done on hair itself to measure the response and effectiveness of our products to fortify hair and rebuild broken bonds at the molecular level.


We provide the results of our human repeat insult patch tests (HRIPT), which are the standard human clinical test used for personal care and pharmaceutical products and test for irritation and sensitization. 


We are proud that all of the human repeat insult patch tests (HRIPT) conducted show that OLAPLEX formulas are safe. The test results show no indication of a potential to elicit dermal irritation or sensitization, otherwise known as a contact allergy.
Specifically, OLAPLEX No. 2 and No. 3 were tested on 80 human test subjects and showed zero irritation. OLAPLEX No. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 were tested on over 100 human test subjects and showed zero irritation.
OLAPLEX No. 7 was tested on 112 test subjects and one test subject showed minor edema, or swelling, during the second read out of 12 total readings conducted over the course of a five week-long study. The edema was cleared by the third read out and did not return for the remainder of the study.
In addition, HRIPT tests were performed on individuals with sensitive skin for OLAPLEX No. 0, 3, 4 and 5. These tests were conducted on 51 people and showed no indication of a potential dermal irritation or sensitization.


All OLAPLEX products are labeled with instructions for recommended use. It is not possible to “over bond” hair when using OLAPLEX products as instructed.
OLAPLEX’s products work to protect hair and relink existing bonds, not create new ones. As bonds constantly face damaging forces like heat from styling tools, color and chemical treatments, brushing, environmental factors and the natural aging process, they need to be strengthened on a continuous basis. Everyone has broken hair bonds to some extent! Even if you have healthy hair, you will have some level of damage that OLAPLEX would be able to repair.


OLAPLEX offers professional grade products only approved for salon use, including our Nº.1 and Nº.2 products, which use OLAPLEX’s patented formula to rebuild broken bonds to strengthen the hair. In addition, OLAPLEX’S 4-In-1 is an in-salon mask that protects hair while adding intense moisture, shine, smoothness and body. OLAPLEX’s salon-grade products are highly concentrated in order to provide the most optimal results. However, this high concentration means that these products should be handled and applied by expert stylists who have knowledge of the science behind OLAPLEX and understand the unique needs of every individual’s hair. Olaplex offers and encourages professional stylists to become certified in use of the Olaplex professional products. In order to be certified, a stylist must study a product knowledge training manual and pass a test.

Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

There Might be 100 people who's skin didn't break out but they also have over 10,000 people saying it fried their hair. So should the public trust your 100 people claim or the over 10,000 people saying it destroyed their hair?! Come on! Eventually this company will be shut down but when? And how many more thousands of people will they have done this damage to by then?! It's almost like they are deliberately trying to do this damage! Why though!?

Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

How can this company claim to care about our hair when so so so many people have told them what these products are doing to our hair? When we tell them it's frying our hair they deny it and respond with their useless patch test done on less than 35 people's Backs. That does not prove that your products are safe for hair and not causing damage. Olaplex products are 100 percent causing major hair fallout and drying out what's still on our heads so fast and so bad that hairs just snap off! There is over 10,000 people, myself included that have had so much hair loss and damage from these products so why do they deny it? They have over 10,000 different people telling them this so why wouldn't they take responsibility and do some research and figure out why? Just for the money?? Doesn't anyone running that company have a conscience? Or are the dollar signs blocking that human emotion??? There slogan claims to "Repair Your Hair From The Inside Out" but the reality is that it's doing the complete opposite. It must be some cruel joke at that company to make that claim when they know it's 100 percent false! I used these products for 2 years and lost half my hair and I had a lot of hair. Stopped using these products in January of this year and my hair is growing back but the texture is jacked up. Every single hair that is growing in is wirey and looks nothing like the rest of my hair. It destroyed my hair follicles to the point that the hairs grow in destroyed looking. I have No health issues to blame it on but if I did what health issue would do this to people? After I stopped using these products the hair started growing like crazy but the kicker is the permanent damage the products did to so many peoples hair is beyond scary and shocking that a product could even do that amount of damage to hair. Yet they are still selling this stuff and denying what we have been telling them it's doing and trying to put the blame on the consumer for our hair damage issues. Saying it's everything and anything else but the Chemicals someone cooked up in a lab and have ZERO scientific evidence of these products doing Anything! Just their claim that it works. Prove it! All they try to prove with their public statement about the damage people are alleging is that it won't make your skin break out. People don't buy these products for their skin they buy it for their hair so stop with the bogus statement about how great and safe they are. Thousands of people are telling them different. Are we all just bored liars who don't understand our own bodies? Our Government needs to implement better checks and balances for consumer products because while in the past it might not have been nessasary but in today's day and age you have to. That's just my two cents. Quit denying it and own up to it and fix it because sooner or later the truth will be known and every single day these products are on the shelf they are destroying countless other people's hair because of their claims about it's effacy. Show us any proof that these products are "Repairing hair from the inside out". Just because they say it doesn't mean it's true. I learned that the hard way and will never believe any marketing claim from anything ever again. They just survey what peoples needs are then manufacture a product claiming to fix that said issue all to put money in their pockets with no regard to human health.

Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

"Olaplex Hair loss/hair damage" that is a Facebook group for anyone that has experienced damage or hair loss from using Olaplex products. Currently we have almost 10,000 people who have joined to tell their story. The stuff is junk and there is plenty of other brands to choose from. Please, please don't buy this poison, u will regret it. I know I did.

Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

So I tried Olaplex for the first time today and let me say I am soooo very disappointed. You would think, by the price, that you were washing your hair in liquid gold. Clearly that is not the case. I was super pumped to try it considering all the hype but now after only one use I am worried that I may have made a huge mistake!! Especially after reading this post and the way my hair feels right now. I naturally shed a lot of hair especially in the shower but nothing extreme or noticeable. However, I have to say that today takes the cake. No joke, my hair kept coming out in handfuls, so much that I was covered in long strands and the shower kept stopping up over and over. If someone had seen it they would have thought I had a small animal in there with me. And it didn’t stop there. I let my hair air dry which usually leaves it really soft and shiny, but not today. My hair literally feels like I stuck my finger in an electrical outlet. Did I mention it kept coming out in handfuls as I ran a brush through it. I thought it would bounce back once I ran a straightner through  it. Nope! All that did was cause more to fall out and what was left to feel more crunchy. I’m pretty sure that I have a bald spot around my crown or so it feels. I had finally got my hair to the thickness and length I wanted after what seems like forever working with it and in 10mins all that work was stripped from my locks literally. And it didn’t even smell good!! I will say that the lather felt amazing,  something that I haven’t found the words for but that alone is not worth going bald over. I wish I were kidding when I say the amount of hair in the tub and on my bathroom floor was enough to make a wig but I’m not. Thats the ugly truth with this stuff! Olaplex should be ashamed of themselves for continuing to push this crap. They must be paying a lot of money for people to promote it. People who haven’t actually used it that is!! So now I’m off to search for something with some serious moisturizer to sink my hard earned dollars into and pray that it reverses the damage this product caused after ONLY ONE USE. My advice…do your research before falling victim to some fad especially when it comes to your skin, hair and health. Don’t make the same mistake I made!!

Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

Olaplex is a great line for people who have damaged hair. It is a bond builder, I’m not sure why Sephora can sell salon professional products without a salon professional there to educate people on it. 

it’s main purpose is to repair the damage or “broken bonds” which occurred during a chemical process such as high lights, perms, etc. it’s made up of proteins that are deposited into your hair.

If you do not have damaged hair it will cause your hair to harden, because of too much protein, and your hair will break off! Even clients that have damaged hair I advise them to use olaplex once a week only and use a moisture shampoo in between! 


Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

Olaplex does not contain protein, so that's not what causes the damage. It's not a protein treatment. 

Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

I had the same problem, went with my dermatologist here in NY and they recommended Revita Shampoo and Revita Conditioner, truly a lifesaver.  Won't buy Olaplex again I was losing chunks of hair.  

Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

Me to! I had waist length hair, fine hair but lots of hair! I used Olaplex 3 two times! Two times a few weeks between and my hair started breaking off, it became so dry nothing I tried worked to get moisture back into it. On the left side of my head I have almost a bald spot. I have to clean the strainer in my shower of globes of hair so the water will drain then I have to clean it again when I am done. I'm pissed! Olaplex needs to pay for a hair treatment of some sort then a hair cut ECT. What are we suppose to do with these few fried strands hanging on our heads? By the way the last time my hair had any dye on it was 5 years ago. No kind of dye or anything! I look like a darn alley cat who's fur has been plucked out by a mad chicken! 

Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

I lost so much hair in the fall (which I never do) and thought it was vitamin/mineral deficiency or something else?! So weird that after reading this when I think back to when the shedding started, perhaps by coincidence my hair absolutely started falling out within weeks of using Opalex no.3. Sidebar I also really hate the smell and texture and found it did nothing for me (fine, wavy, dark blonde hair with minimal colouring). I really didn't like this product and like it even less now...

Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

DO NOT BUY OLAPLEX coming from a girl who was a huge Olaplex supporter.

I have always had extremely long hair (all the way down to my butt). My hair have always been thick too, very thick and I would always get compliments on it. I have always had a lot of split ends, but it never caused me breakage or anything, my hair would still grow. It didn’t matter how much I dyed it (I would dye my hair every 1,5-2 month with NO issue), my hair stayed in the same good condition. After some time I went to the salon to go blonder. Although this process is damaging, I had little to none fall out (thanks to the natural thickness of my hair) and I had healthy thick blonde hair. My salon (that btw is an expensive high end salon in a big European city) recommended me to use Olaplex. Before this, I have always used drugstore shampoo and conditioner, never had issues with it, but since beauty is a big interest of mine, and I already invest a lot of money and time in makeup and skincare then why not invest in proper hair care too? It might even help with the split ends I have always had. I bought Olaplex no. 3, 4, 4p, 5 and 9, and would even get the salon Olaplex treatment every now and then. In the beginning my hair was doing fine, but my hair kept shredding in chunks when I would shower, much more than it’s normal. Because my hair is so thick, I didn’t think much of it and quickly because one of the Olaplex hype girlies on social media who would immediately snap back at anyone discrediting Olaplex. Months went by (6 months) and so did the shredding. My hair would still grow as I could see a lot of roots showing (my hair grows fast naturally) but the length wouldn’t change. I started to understand my problem wasn’t hair growth, that was fine and I was blessed with that from my genetics, but Olaplex made my hair so weak and thin that it would case my ends to snap off and therefore not grow in length. After looking at selfies throughout the year and myself in the mirror, I realized how much hair I actually have lost. My hair is now EXTREMELY thin - Something I have never ever struggled with. I can’t even do a ponytail anymore because my hair looks like a few flat strands of hair put together. Olaplex caused my hair to break and shred so bad, I have lost probably around 85% of my hair. I’m not touching Olaplex again, and I’m now switching over to Redken’s extreme line with a mixture of Kerastase, and hopefully when Redken have saved my hair after some time I can switch fully to Kerastase as it is very good for keeping the hair healthy and nourished. 

Please do NOT fall for the Olaplex hype and early placebo effect it gives when just starting it. Instead of Olaplex salon treatments, I really recommend getting the Kerastase salon treatment (Fusion I believe it’s called!). K18 also did save the 15% hair I now have left a little.

Olaplex Hydrating Shampoo and Conditioner Set For Soft, Shiny, Healthy Hair Olaplex No. 3 Hair Repair Perfector Olaplex No. 4 Bond Maintenance™ Shampoo 8.5 oz/ 250 mL Olaplex No.4P Blonde Enhancer™ Toning Purple Shampoo 8.5 oz/ 250 mL Olaplex No. 5 Bond Maintenance Strengthening and Reparative Hair Conditioner 8.5 oz/ 250 mL Olaplex No. 9 Bond Protector Nourishing Hair Serum 3 oz / 90 mL 


Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

YESSSSS I noticed increased hair loss and even complained to my friends.  Never considered it could be Olaplex.  I began using it sparingly to give my hair a break from products, but my friend recently sent me an article claiming Olaplex causes hair loss.  Unfortunately, Sephora refuses to budge on their return policy and refuses to refund/or store credit me the item (still unopened) I purchased 4mos ago.  Sephora is telling me to follow up with Olaplex directly. ARGH

Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

So happy I found this thread. I thought I was going crazy! I've been using olaplex 3 for years and started using the shampoo a few months back but I've used the shampoo with a mixture of other shampoos (purple shampoo and/or Kiehl's shampoo with a small dab of olaplex 4). Recently I cut out the other shampoos and have been using Olaplex 4 solo. My hair has been falling out by the fistful. There's a noticeable difference after every shower. Clumps and clumps coming out only after I shampoo (I start my shower by conditioning then I shampoo then my hair falls out then I condition what's left of my hair). I thought it was hormones so I went off of my birth control; I have also changed my diet and stopped getting my hair done (although none of these have ever been an issue). Still my hair keeps falling out but, again, only after I shampoo. I could make a wig with what I collect in the shower.

Three hair stylists and my dermatologist all approve my shower and hair care routine. I've covered all my bases and the only remaining factor is Olaplex 4.

Re: Olaplex and Major hair loss!!

I bleached & toned my hair on Christmas eve. I've used olaplex for yrs. Clumps of my hair broke off throughout the entire process. My hair is now 1/4" long all over my head. I'm horrified. Good Bye Olaplex.
