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The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

Hello BIC friends and fellow gardeners! Whether you have a container on your balcony, some indoor plants, a whole garden, or even if you just happen to visit a botanical garden or see a lovely space or plant in your neighborhood you want to share, this is the place! Please share pics, tips, plans and tricks about all things gardening!  


For many years I had a container balcony garden with mostly flowers and herbs (when travel allowed), and I am now embarking on my first backyard landscaping and gardening journey. 

I am often taking inspiration from the natural world around me and have recently had some spring inspiration for the Makeup Challenge of the Week and have loved chatting about gardening in our other threads, so I thought a new thread would be nice. 

It’s always so interesting to me to see plants and gardens from different regions and countries, so I hope you’ll join the conversation!  

PS: if you create a makeup look based on some plant or garden inspiration, please feel free to post your look or flat-lay here, too! 

Here are a few pics of my spring bulbs to start and I’ll share more soon (kindly ignore the weeds)! 



My old balcony (from the outside) - I’ll try to find an internal pic too:




Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

I am thinking my pretty tulip/hyacinth/allium bulb combos that bloomed so nicely last year may have gotten waterlogged over last summer from the neighbors’ watering. But, I’ll keep an eye out if they may return! 

Otherwise, some nice bulbs below! I’m worried whether my two shade trees will come back, they haven’t budded out yet and they seem behind others in the neighborhood . The lilacs are leafed out and getting ready to bloom. The DogTuff grass is greening up nicely, though we still have some patches that didn’t fill in last year before winter. 


The same tulips and muscari flowers under the heavy, surprise 6 inches of snow we got the other day!






Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

They look beautiful @sister13!🌷

Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

Thank you!! @faeriegirl 

Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

Your flowers are gorgeous, @sister13 ! 🌷🌷🌷  I hope they survived the snow.

Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

Yes! They bounced back, that top pic is actually AFTER all the snow. Only the hyacinths got a bit worn and don’t pop back up after the snow. Thanks! @Titian06 

Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

So, a couple of March snows have done a bit of a number on my emerging bulbs, the hyacinths only lasted a couple days, and the earliest tulips and daffodil have kinda flopped under the snow. But, there should be plenty more to come, it’s probably since they’re planted near the patio foundation where they get full south sun. Maybe they’ll learn March is our snowiest month in Colorado and typical for warm sunny days intermixed with snow, lol.


Anyway, in other news, my chamomile I grew from seed that was only ever a tiny frond last year is growing every day and at this rate will take over the entire yard by summer. My thyme and strawberries that I planted last year seem to be coming back, and I was super excited to see some emerging green buds on my mock orange! Our landscaping was done pretty late last year so I was a little worried about everything. 


Also saw some crocuses out front.


Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

Beautiful! You win some, you lose some, but the strawberry and thyme sounds so amazing something so special to look forward too as well as the daily notice of blooms. Can’t wait to see more as it unfolds ❤️🫶 🍓 @sister13 

Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

I found a strawberry blossom today! I’m not sure that’s viable since we’ll still be getting freezing temps, but still super cute! @peculiarzmakeup 

Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

@sister13 - Too bad for the "early birds," but how exciting to see more greenery poking through! 🥳🌻🌳

Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

Haha, I kind of forgot how many bulbs I planted now I see them all popping up! Still wondering if the ones from last year will come up, I was a little worried since they get so much water from the neighbors grass. They also get a little more shade than the rest, and didn’t come up til mid-April May last year anyway, so we’ll see. @Titian06 

Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

Progress - My hyacinths got a *little* taller! 



Even saw a buzzy little bee yesterday! These smell amazing, especially with the heat of the sun. 


I can also see the little tips of the muscari  - I planted tons of those because I love them. Also, one of the daffodils is getting pretty close. 

I’m planning to plant some more perennials and natives this year. 

Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

Love seeing your garden evolve everything is blooming beautifully. So lovely 💕🪴☀️ @sister13 

Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

Thanks! It has been sunny and 60s this week and things are popping! @peculiarzmakeup 

Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

I’m so glad to hear that, nature is so beautiful 🤩 it’s snowing where I’m at! It’s so interesting how weather is different in different places. Can’t wait to see more as your garden flourishes more with each day! @sister13 

Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

We still get a lot of snow in March and April, but then a lot of warm, sunny days. We had a mild winter is year, so it’s all happening sooner than last year! @peculiarzmakeup 

Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

Lovely pics, @sister13 ! 🥰  I can smell them from here! 🙂

Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

Thanks, they are such a treat! @Titian06 

Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

Hyacinths are so pretty, @sister13 .  They're just happy-looking.

Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

Thanks, they are!! @CookieGirl1 

Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

They are beautiful @sister13!🩷

Re: The BIC Plant and Gardening Thread

Thanks! So eager to see more blooms! @faeriegirl 

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