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can somebody please recommend me a good dandruff shampoo or treatment? it has gotten worse than now it actually bothers me. thank you. 


Re: dandruff.

@444dari if you have “dry” dandruff (think flakes that don’t stick together), try Nizoral, or get a prescription strength Ketoconazole shampoo from you doctor. If it’s more greasy, try Selsun Blue. Look for ingredients like Selenium Sulfide or Pyrithoine Zinc.

Re: dandruff.

Hey! Honestly great advice, but for me, i've tried both of those things and none of it has worked. If you have any other tips that can help please let us know!

Re: dandruff.

@444dari it depends a lot on why you have dandruff to keep it from coming back.  Any over the counter product will work to suppress dandruff.  

Re: dandruff.

try the salicylic acid scrub and shampoo like the one from Kerastase simbiose line

Re: dandruff.

@444dari I've done well with a detox shampoo, but my dad swore by the Neutrogena T/Gel or T/Sal line, T/something. It was strong and it worked.  

Re: dandruff.

@444dari have you tried any of the drugstore dandruff treatment shampoos like Nizoral or Selsun Blue?

Re: dandruff.

Try a detox. it worked for me and my dandruf was really realy bad 6 months ago but is barley there anymore. But it is different for everyone.

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