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January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

Happy New Year everyone, I cannot wait to see your hauls! ❤



Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

@Alicehoopz I am a huge fan of Sumptuous Extreme Mascara, so the sale price was an added bonus for me!  I don't really use Mascara Primer, so that is going to my bestie who loves it and I also don't really like brow gel, so my daughter already snagged that.   I guess it just depends on what your mom likes, but this is an awesome mascara because it is both lengthening and thickening.  Hope that helps!  🙂

Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

Awesome thanks!

Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

Ok ok I have got to get a Lucky Bag next year lol. I feel so left out 😛 Great haul as always you 😄

Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

Thanks!   I hope they offer an xl bag again next year and that I can get my hands on one.   Crossing my fingers for both of us!  @Mcakes

Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

Fabulous haul, love the Nordstrom GWP!! 😍

Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!


Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

Soooo this is a big haul - it represents most of my holiday/post-holiday shopping.



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Purchased: KVD Alchemy palette, B&B Don't Blow It (restock), various Formula X polishes and drying drops on clearance
Freebies: VIBGLOWY promo, Tatcha cream and GA lip magnet DSes from 25MINIS, various foils


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Had to make a purchase to get my "free" anniversary eyeshadow (I picked Amber Lights), so I got MACxStar Trek Luna Luster since it was still on sale. With bonus mascara sample.


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Purchased: Philosophy Fresh Cream set on sale, NARS Gina (as it's started to disappear at other places), TF Snowdon (got tired of waiting for Sephora's restock), and (not pictured) YSL L'Homme shower gel for BF.
Freebies: one of the stocking GWPs, which a bunch of nice stuff inc. Morroconoil body butter, and also their sample bad of foils


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Purchased: FAB Facial Radiance pads, FAB scented Ultra Repair Cream minis, Clinique Overnight Moisture Mask, NYX Liquid Suede set, NYX Metallic lippie, UD gloss in Failbait on sale, Skincare Cosmetics Retinol eye serum/gel that I'm trying in an effort to find a retinol eye treatment that doesn't cost an assortment of limbs.

Freebies: GWP bag of men's DSes, which I turned around and gave to BF in his Xmas present, FAB GWPx2 (serum DS and Ultra Repair Cream foil), Clinique GWP (Moisture Surge DS), and sample packs (IT Cosmetics, Ahava, and Clinique - no Smashbox! Score!)

Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

Wonderful haul! The Luna Luster is one of my favorite highlighters. 💕

Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

Beautiful haul!  So happy you got Snowdon! ❤️

Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

Niiiiice!!!  I'm super curious about that eye gel.  Once you've given it a good trial period (and if you remember) I'd like to hear your thoughts.  I wish there were a way to se the concentration of Retinol in it.   

I found the cheapest Retinol route for me was to go to the derm and get a perscription for retin-a and to apply it 20 minutes after washing my skin but 30 before anything else so it wasn't diluted.  I don't have time for that anymore.  

Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

@heartsmyface I'm curious about the 20-30 minute timeframe you're talking about. Did you find the retin-a didn't perform outside of that application window or that it's just what is recommended? I use adapalene (generic differin) and just thought that was a recommendation, so I flout the time  application recs all the time. 

Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

@snoflakefaerie I was told I would react badly if it was used on freshly washed skin and that I had to wait 20 minutes until my skin had thoroughly dried before applying.   I didn't ask why but when a dr tells you something I listen:). She also said I could apply any other creams but to wait another 20 minutes because by the 20minute mark your skin has absorbed as much of the product as it is going to.  Applying things on top before that only dilutes the retin-a making it less effective.  It doesn't have any adverse effects other than being less effective. 

Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

Wow! I truly couldn't do that, any of it. First of all, it only takes a few mins for my skin to dry so much it's uncomfortable (regardless of cleanser), so waiting 20 would suck. Second, my face gets dry during the day if I don't apply each product while te last one is still wet - apparently I really need help to seal in the moisture.


I'm just going to keep doing it my way, because I'm pretty sure that letting my face dry out like that would counteract whatever anti-aging benefits OTC retinol treatments have, lol.

Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

@heartsmyface Yeah, definitely. I put some on my inner arm for a patch test and there aren't any problems with it at least.


One thing I am side-eyeing though is that there are beads in it, like the kind where you burst them and they release the "active ingredients" or w/e inside. I don't know whether that's where the retinyl palmitate is (for stability reasons?), or if it's purely a gimmick. Either way though, it doesn't seem ideal for the eye area because of the need to press/rub to break the bead and then spread the contents around.


So I might end up nixing it just for that, and maybe seeing if my Philosophy Help Me stuff is gentle enough to use on the undereye. We'll see.

Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

I really don't know with the bursty beads.  I have a couple skin inc serums with different coloured beads which I've wondered about since they seem to be dispersed the same in the serums no matter what the ingredient. If anything they make me ask questions more than they make me feel they're actually functional in any way.       

Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

I saw this in-stores and thought, why not! You can never have too many lip balms. I always misplace them, leading me to always buy more.20170107_203251.jpg

Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

Lol OMG 😲 this is cute!

Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

OMG!  This is awesome!  The only thing that would make it better is if it were She-Hulk (Do I spy her on the packaging?) !!! ❤️



Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

@lisainprogress - so cute!  Can I ask which store you found it in?  I know someone who would love one of these!  🙂

Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

I found it at walgreens @Milou07


They had spiderman, black widow and captain america too. I was very tempted to get captain america, but the flavor for Hulk is Sour apple 😉

Re: January 2017 New Year, New Hauls!!

Lol, that's just too funny!  If I saw this I'd be all over it too!  Here's hoping you never lose this cause it would be horrible not knowing where Bannon is.  

2 Replies