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BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

Last year I started this late, so I figured that this year I'd start early!  Feel free to post about all things fall, Halloween, beauty and everything in between.  Answer as many or as few prompts as you'd like, and know that you're encouraged to add your own ideas as well!


This officially starts October 1.  But if you just can't wait then, here are some prompts: Ideas to kick off fall?  Any superstitions?  Favorite things about pumpkins?  Mars or Hershey's brand candy?  Ways to keep your spirits up as the season changes?  Creepy things that you enjoy?  Halloween  nail ideas?  What colors compliment orange and black?  How have you noticed Halloween changing over time?  Any cocktails or mock-tails that sound interesting?  Favorite sounds of the season?  Are you into the Hocus-Pocus movie mania?  Best baked goods?





October 1: Who's your favorite witch?

October 2: Top three candies to have in your trick or treat bag...and bottom three.

October 3: What's your decorating style?  It could be for Halloween or autumn in general.

October 4: Favorite pumpkin spice foods.  (Alternatively, sound if you aren't a pumpkin spice enthusiast.)

October 5: How is your beauty routine changing as we enter fall?

October 6: Favorite fall scents?  

October 7: Scariest horror movie?  Best B-movie?




October 8: Favorite fall drink?

October 9: What do you look forward to most this time of year?

October 10: What do you look for in pumpkins and gourds?  

October 11: Favorite kind of sweater?  Or, is there a fashion you want to try out this year?

October 12: Best way to consume apples?  (Cider, pie, sliced...?)

October 13: Favorite Halloween TV episode?  What are the best movies to watch this time of year?  What movies haven't you seen yet?

October 14: Post a Halloween-inspired meme.


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October 15: Most over-rated part of the season?  And most under-rated?

October 16: Post your own meme.

October 17: Favorite fall flowers?

October 18: What's an aspect of Halloween that you'd like to experience?  (It could be something simple, fantastical or ghoul-ish.)

October 19: Best way to carry your candy from house to house?

October 20: What's you most beloved costume from yester-year?  Or, what costume would you love to wear?

October 21: Did you ever sing any fun Halloween songs or read any fun Halloween books growing up?





October 22: Are you missing summer?  What do you miss?

October 23: What candles are good this time of year?

October 24: What stores had the best Halloween displays or merchandise?  Has anyone in your neighborhood done anything special...or tasteless?!

October 25: Best way to consume pumpkin?  (Beer, pie, cookies...)

October 26: Do you prefer tricks or treats?

October 27: Do you send Halloween cards?

October 28: Would you ever dress up your pets?






October 29: Favorite fall activity? 

October 30: If you could create a Halloween-inspired beauty product, what would it be?  Or, do you have a favorite?

October 31: What full size candy bar would you love to give out or get on Halloween?


Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

@Loretta55 ,

I wish you continued success!  You've got this!

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

Thank you very much @tsavorite. You can do this too!

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

Thank you, too, @Loretta55 !  I appreciate the inspiration!

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

@Loretta55 That’s amazing! Way to go! I need to take some inspiration from you!

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

My therapist told me that every pound that I lose it takes four pounds off my joints @JoSometimes. I will try almost anything to feel better.

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

October 1: Who's your favorite witch?

Glenda the good witch Wizard of Oz




October 2: Top three candies to have in your trick or treat bag...and bottom three.


Reeses, 3 musketeers and M&Ms

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

Glenda is my favorite too @lmaster !💗

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

@faeriegirl she's classic and elegant 🙌

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

@lmaster I completely forgot about the good witch! The wicked witch of the west always steals the show. 

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

@JoSometimes she was always so glamorous 🤣 I envied that dress 

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

I'm laughing because I picked the Wicked Witch of the West 😆😆😆 @lmaster 

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

Love it!!! This movie is a classic! @CynthieLu I have to make my kids sit and watch these old movies because they are fading away in the future 😭

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

@lmaster the hat on Glenda always makes me laugh.  Or maybe it's a crown

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

It's a beautiful crown lol @CorgiMommy I wanted to be her when I was a child 🤣

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

  • Ideas to kick off fall- fall themed photoshoots! 
  •   Any superstitions? Nope
  •   Favorite things about pumpkins? Seeds. And pumpkin flavored everything. I wish it wasn't pumpkin spice craze but just regular pumpkin.
  • Mars or Hershey's brand candy?  Both!
  • Ways to keep your spirits up as the season changes? Self care and cozy things! Fall scents mmm
  • Creepy things that you enjoy? demented decor- like skeletons
  • Halloween  nail ideas? 😓
  •  What colors compliment orange and black? maroon, gold, bronze.
  •   How have you noticed Halloween changing over time? It's disappearing. My area is almost only trunk or treating.
  • Any cocktails or mock-tails that sound interesting?  nope.
  • Favorite sounds of the season? There's sounds? Besides wind howling?
  • Are you into the Hocus-Pocus movie mania?  Ever since I was a kid
  • Best baked goods? all of them.

October 1: Who's your favorite witch? hmm I'm not too familiar with any

October 2: Top three candies to have in your trick or treat bag...and bottom three.  Reeses, ok anything but snickers. Or things with nuts.

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

@Samtian ,

The Sanderson Sisters in Hocus Pocus? 

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

@tsavorite I do like them, but not enough to be my favorites.

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

October 2:  top three candy in your trick or treat bag plus your three least favorites


Favorites are definitely Milky Way, Hershey's Cookies and Cream, and starbursts


Least favorites include anything with peanut butter (not allergic but sensitive to peanuts), black licorice and bit-o-honey.

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

October 1: Who's your favorite witch?


Oooh a tough one! I do love Sabrina but I have to go Hermione 


October 2: Top three candies to have in your trick or treat bag...and bottom three.


Kit Kat, Twix and twizzlers! Least favorites are tootsie rolls, mounds and dots 

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

October 1: Who's your favorite witch?  


Louise from Teen Witch



October 2: Top three candies to have in your trick or treat bag...and bottom three.  


Top Three- Milky Way, Twix, Reese's

Bottom Three- Tootsie Rolls, Grape Nerds, Smarties

Re: BIC's 2023 Countdown to Halloween Thread!!!

October 1: Who's your favorite witch?  Witch Hazel from the Bewitched Bunny episode.




October 2: Top three candies to have in your trick or treat bag...and bottom three.  (In no particular order.)  I went trick or treating once and gave all my candy except for the Tootsie Rolls to my brother.  I also like butterscotch hard candies, and, yes, Candy Corn.  Red Hots are at the bottom, along with gummi worms, and chewing gum.

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