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leg shaving

Ingrown hairs, razor bumps, post-shave irritation, inflamed hair follicles, uneven shave

Okay, so I have always struggled when it comes to having sexy, shaved legs. I've tried different razors, expensive and cheap, shaving creams (not too many), and even shaving then exfoliating and shaving again. No matter what I do, I can never seem to have a clean, close shave without irritation or razor bumps. I have ingrown hairs that appear on my calves, and around the lower leg (about to the shin bone), and I get the typical ones on my bikini line as well as inner thighs. The ones I've been fighting forever are the ones on my calves. I cannot seem to figure out how to keep them away/treat them in a non-painful way. I need suggestions on products/tools/exfoliants to help me solve my problem. I want to be able to wear dresses, skirts, and shorts without feeling self conscious about my legs. The red bumps are ugly and the ingrown hairs don't help. So, please, help a sister out here!

Re: leg shaving

@kaelaaamorgaan I started to use a shave oil by Tree Hut, and it gives me a closer shave with much softer legs.  I bought it on a whim at Ulta, and now can't live without it. I use it under my shave gel.

Anonymous Insider

Re: leg shaving

I will give that a try on my legs

Anonymous Insider

Re: leg shaving

I use a 5blade razor on my legs

Waxing. I had never tried it before and I dealt with ingr...

Waxing. I had never tried it before and I dealt with ingrown hair under my arms. I tried it a month ago and my ingrown were gone. I tried feeling them and I thought it was a trick but nope. And as a plus I noticed the hair was slower to grow back! Now I'm working on a body waxing routine. It's scary cause ripping those hair takes courage but it will be worth it! ( I hope).

Re: leg shaving

@kaelaaamorgaan I've started shaving my legs using the Burts Bees cleansing oil. It gives me a smoother shave, even though I'm using the Schick Quattro razor, which has guard wires. Every morning I sweep the FAB Facial Radiance pads over my bikini line, and I no longer have any ingrown hairs and bumps there. I imagine it might work for the bumps on your calves. 

Anonymous Insider

Re: leg shaving

I use a 5blade razor to shave my legs smooth and soft . It works great.

Re: leg shaving

I also get very itchy razor burn bumps. After a lot of trial and error, the things that have helped me are using an exfoliater first before I shave, my personal favorites are the Tree Hut Shea Sugar Scrubs, though I'm sure others would work. Then for shave gel I use the Tree Hut Bare Moisturizing Shave Oil. I don't know what the magic in this shave gel is but it's the product that has made the biggest difference and I will continue to repurchase forever. After I get out of the bath I put a layer of aloe vera (I use the SkinFood one but I think any Aloe Vera will do) on my legs and then follow that up with a layer of lotion (My favorite lotions are by Hempz). I also use an intution razor because I like the added layer of soap but I don't know if thats necessary. I've tried other razors and just haven't personally liked them. Hope that helps. 

RE: Re: leg shaving

Hey love it’s been forever since you commented back to me but I love the tree hut items you recommended & they’ve done wonders for my legs. Thank you so much! I’m not afraid to wear shorts anymore (:
Anonymous Insider

Re: RE: Re: leg shaving

I enjoy wearing shorts now after shaving my legs

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